Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Local media did not seem to understand that the roots of the December 14, 2015 shutdown of the YardGoats stadium construction site was initiated by the Minority Contractors Council based on their experience of being shut out of the serious dollars. They sought support for organizing a protest from Moral Monday CT (MMCT), and some media reports have focused on concerns that the Moral Monday "bunch" might again snarl traffic (interesting what causes the most fear these days). There are various ways to look at the stats, but the bottom line is that stadium jobs going to minority residents of Hartford are token and lower-rung. In other words, it's business as usual for so-called "development" projects. Money will be made, but largely by outsider investors.
While it was indeed wonderful to have ONE courageous member of City Council put his body on the shut-down line, in fact the first arrest was the most telling about Hartford City Police tactics. As seen (but not narrated) in the WFSB news clip, Cornell Lewis was the first person arrested - taken by surprise even as he was conveying the warning the cops had asked him to that the protestors were to move or risk arrest. NOTE THAT CORNELL HIMSELF had moved from the gate area and was NOT trespassing nor planning to subject himself to arrest. In fact, he was preparing to leave the site in the hands of the other organizers to attend to another commitment. I know, because I was going to drive him back to his car in a few minutes. 
However, rather than carry out their stated plan to arrest those who did not move from the gate area, Hartford cops were heard to say, "Arrest Cornell first" - and they did so. Four officers marched toward him from behind, gave no warning to him, and instructed him to drop his bag (and the bullhorn they hate) and put his arms behind his back. Not one of the protesters still trespassing had yet been arrested (that would start some 10 or 15 minutes later). He asked why and they gave him no answer. He was cuffed and taken to a patrol car. Other cops on the scene could give no reason for his arrest - and Cornell himself was not told the charges until they got him to the station (essentially
creating a disturbance and excessive noise). 
Thus was Cornell clearly targeted and arrested while peacefully exercising his first amendment rights, complying with police directives and keeping the crowd informed of those directives AS REQUESTED BY ONE OF THE RESPONDING OFFICERS - and then kept in jail from 10 am to 8 pm. He is scheduled to appear at Community Court tomorrow (Wednesday December 16) at 9 am, and is vowing to fight this violation of his civil rights.
Kudos to city council member Dr. Larry Deutsch, lone among the city leaders willing to stand up against broken promises to, and missed opportunities for, the workers and residents of Hartford. But I can't help but note that WFSB clearly shows him being escorted to a patrol car upon his arrest for refusing to move from the construction site gate WITHOUT HANDCUFFS! I point this out not to take away anything from his courage to stand up (noting that he is one of few white city leaders but still to be counted on when there is a fight) but to point out the obvious discrepancy in the cops' treatment of Cornell Lewis, also one who does not shy away from standing up against injustice.

Nancy Bowden


December 14, 2015 activist Cornell Lewis was arrested by police at a rally. The words below are Debra Cohen's point of view as fellow Freedom Fighter. The protest was in front of a stadium under construction in downtown Hartford.

Two important points about this event NOT captured by WFSB: (1) the protest was initiated by the Minority Contractors Council for having received NO "piece of the pie" from a major HARTFORD "development" project, but supported by MMCT and (2) while it was indeed wonderful to have ONE courageous member of City Council put his body on the shut-down line, in fact the first arrest was the most telling about Hartford City Police tactics. Even as seen (but not narrated) in the WFSB clip below, Cornell Lewis was the first person arrested - taken by surprise even as he was conveying the warning the cops had asked him to that the protestors were to move or risk arrest. NOTE THAT CORNELL HIMSELF had moved from the gate area and was NOT trespassing nor planning to subject himself to arrest. Rather than carry out their plan to arrest those who did not move from the gate area, Hartford cops were heard to say, "Arrest Cornell first" - and they did so. Not one of the protesters still trespassing had yet been arrested. Thus was Cornell clearly targetted and arrested while peacefully exercising his first amendment rights, complying with police directives and keeping the crowd informed - and then kept in jail from 10 am to 8 pm.

posted also on Facebook.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


In the December 8, 2015 edition of the Associated Press were words to this effect " the Connecticut lawmakers are currently adjusting the budget and this includes the future closing of Connecticut Juvenile Training School......" There is also a sentence about the closing of another training facility elsewhere in CT included in the adjusting of the future budget.

The point to be made here is that dysfunctional management by Key Stone Cops administrators at CJTS caused this future closing to finally become reality. For years under the reign of present leadership at CJTS there has been unfair distribution of overtime, rampant racism at the facility by right wing Youth Service Officers masquerading as whistleblowers, white female YSOs calling residents of color "porch monkeys", and attempts of silencing any voices of color who raise the issue of racism. All attempts to correct the dysfunctional nature of CJTS by employees was met with management using policy and procedure in attempts of harassment of so called troubled makers. It must also be noted how Freedom of Information Act documents from the Department of Children and Family describe how 66% of all terminations or disciplinary actions are directed toward males of color. This data is alarming when considered how people of color only comprise 45% of employment on the DCF Plantation. Yes CJTS is a facility run amok.. with injustice and favoritism.

There seems to be some justice in the universe after all , CJTS is going to be closed down in the future. Those management types at CJTS who fought so hard to maintain their hegemony and white privilege will final get the old boot in the arse.

Saturday, December 5, 2015


The people that manage the Bushnell Theatre decided to host this forum on race December 3, 2015 with four nationally known panelists. While well meaning people [ mostly white ] put together an agenda they forgot one critical element, to include local activists on stage who are fighting for racial justice in Greater Connecticut. Bishop John Selders and wife Pamela Selders started Moral Monday CT over one year ago to address issues of racial injustice locally and nationally- Bushnell forum planners forgot (?) to include both Selders on the panel. In the last year MMCT held die-ins at Hartford City Hall, blockaded streets and highways to send a message, went to Ferguson, Missouri for Michael Brown's one year anniversary shooting death by police. In addition the Selders et al., received national media coverage while in Ferguson. However, none of this mattered because white managers of Bushnell Theatre did not consider the Selders or #blacklivesmatter activists in Springfield, Massachusetts to be part of the racism panel. With this thought in mind, MMCT went to the forum and held a light weight protest, stating the same facts in the previous lines above.

We entered the Bushnell armed with protest plan and megaphone. There were white allies in the vestibule and in the theatre seating; it was assumed when the "#blacklivesmatter" chanting started these white allies would at least lend their voices to the protest. In the back of the Bushnell people on an arranged signal hollered #blacklivesmatter ,while other activists went to the front and read their statement. In amazement MMCT people noticed white allies frowning with arms folded plus scowling faces while the chanting took place. After the protest ended the reason for white allies silence became crystal clear- they stated "to them the protest did not make sense." Say what ? Yeah you are reading correctly, white people that pledged allegiance to working with MMCT black leadership flaked out, because "in their esteemed opinion the Bushnell was talking about race, ergo, why disrupt the event." Let me be clear. Just because white people decide to host some sort of sanitized meeting does not mean that it is something black people must endorse. Maybe those so called white allies do not understand that it is for black people-engaged in resisting state sanctioned police terror against blacks- to determine what is proper content for such forums to take place. Those so called white allies saw nothing wrong, then or now, with the absence of local activists on that Bushnell panel. I would argue that the criticism, before and after the forum, from whites revolves around their inability to comprehend why black leadership did not approve of yet another talkathon about race. We understand that many white allies have blind spots about race due to their worldview on process and procedure in addressing America's unsolved social problem. In all honesty white privilege affords so called white allies the luxury of not having to endure the indignities of living black in America. White allies do not have to think about being hunted and shot by police, nor do white allies face humiliating racial slights daily like black people. Yet there they were after the Bushnell forum offering a damn critique that MMCT activists did not ask for.

The best part of this is how what white allies did is not unexpected; historically the narrative with white allies goes like this- they are with us until ideological or theoretical concerns from blacks do not juxtapose with white worldviews, then they become critics. When the Selders first started MMCT white liberals pledged support and allegiance to black leadership. Now it is apparent that the historical narrative of white worldviews clashing with black thought is happening again. Martin Luther King, Stokley Carmichael, Black Nationalists and Freedom Riders went through the same criticism from white allies of certain black tactics. In Connecticut white allies are showing their true colors by not chanting during the Bushnell Theatre MMCT protest ; there are deep underlying currents of paternalistic bias from so called white allies. These whites believe they know what to do in terms of strategy better than the Selders and other people associated with MMCT. Now these whites will not publicly say they have problems with the Selders black leadership but in subtle ways act these feelings out- like at the Bushnell by not chanting.. then offering some bullshit critique of MMCT.  It is time to do what is necessary and call out white liberals who are obstructionists to the black liberation movement. James Baldwin might be correct in writing " a liberal is someone who thinks they know more about your condition than you do." Well. It is now out in the open for all to see. Yes Lawd, white allies opposed to black leadership in MMCT. It is time to get rid of all flotsam that hinders MMCT and #blacklivesmatter, this includes white allies who secretly are diametrically opposed to working with black leadership. Man this road toward black liberation is hard enough without those secret haters lurking in the background. Whites believe they are doing MMCT a favor by tagging along or pledging solidarity, hey white folks read Sophocles who wrote "enemies gifts are no gifts and do no good." Are these white liberals who pledge solidarity really enemies ? Well all you have to do in order to answer that question is wonder about why they did not chant with us, "#blacklivesmatter", at the Bushnell Theatre during our protest to answer that question.

In closing many of those so called white allies are religious and attend churches. After what they did to members of MMCT at the Bushnell Theatre, it is appropriate to quote this scripture from the book of Zechariah chapter 13:6 "I was wounded in the house of my friends."

Wednesday, November 25, 2015


The jazz singer Nnenna Freelon sang a song called Change.. "I am changed in my passage I am changed. There's a Sun in the water I am changed. There's a Moon high above me and it lights my discovery that in my passage in the darkness I am changed. I am changed I can feel it I am changed, my soul is a mirror. I can feel it I am changed, coming through going over my heart stands like a soldier, in the passage in the darkness I am changed.... I am changed forever... I am changed...."

The recent video of police shooting a black youth down like a dog sixteen times in the streets of an urban city shocked many people. We also received descriptions of white supremacists shooting at least 5 people in Minneapolis during peaceful demonstrations over yet another black youth being shot by police. What really struck me as both curious and sad is how black people are responding to the latest episode of state sanctioned police violence. There were the usual invocations to look upon the shootings as a higher purpose to endure from God. Then in Chicago where one horrific shooting took place the Mayor of that city actually called black leaders to help keep calm in wake of the release of a video.. boy shot 16 times, and smoke rising from his body, as more bullets were pumped into this youth. To their credit some preachers and leaders said to the Mayor in Chicago "you call us now one year later on the eve of releasing this video, you did not call us before."

At what point do black people stand- up and really fight? It appears that for some reason black folk believe that these acts of violence will stop if people just keep marching or praying to some deity. At this juncture have these tactics mentioned caused any shift in the persecution or ill treatment of blacks over 400 years of living -first as slaves- in America? What then is your answer black people to my question ? If truly nothing has changed in how the oppressor interacts with black people, perhaps some change in tactics are necessary. At what point do black people stand-up and fight ? Whether blacks want to acknowledge the truth or not... it is there staring us in the face, hideous like the Gorgon Medusa. America refuses to treat her once actually enslaved people [ who are now supposedly free ] with respect. In every sphere of society there are structures and barriers in place to reinforce what the master once did openly- which is have actual dominion over black people. Now there are housing, educational, legal, political and financial barriers that keep blacks enclosed in cages like laboratory rats. Richard Lovelace poem hits the nail squarely on the head " Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage." Black people are in prisons called structural racism that are enforced by state sanctioned police violence. The people in Ferguson, Missouri and St. Louis understand what they are facing, and have been fighting for over one year after the police shooting of Michael Brown.

It is time to ask the question at what point do black people stand-up and really fight ?

In the history of black struggle in America all methods for liberation were implemented for survival. Now we only seek to march, pray and hope that our oppressors will change. If you think the mind set of oppression is changing just look at that black boy's body in the street being shot over and over again.

At what point do black people stand-up and fight?

At what point do black people stand-up and die for what they believe?
Until some of us are ready to enter "Beulah Land or walk in Jerusalem just like John" things will never change.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


The rumors are flowing that Connecticut Juvenile Training School Superintendent [Wild Bill ] William Rosenbeck finally came out of his office recently to mingle with staff and residents. Then it is reported that while the Hartford Courant and other media were present.. William [Wild Bill ] Rosenbeck supposedly was involved with the restraint of a resident. Say what !! First of all, Rosenbeck reportedly has not had Safe Crisis Management training that teaches restraint techniques. Second of all, it seems fishy how when the media is present the CJTS Superintendent descends god like from the clouds [ his office ] and saves the day, with some sort of restraint, and by doing this shows he is in control. Well. Let me be clear. For several years CJTS has been dysfunctional due to lack of competent management ; this carried over into revelations about how one supervisor was stopped by police in May 2015 and found DUI, with no valid license or insurance. Now we hear Rosenbeck might have been in some sort of restraint.... hmmmm !

I wonder if this was staged for media purposes ?

Sunday, November 15, 2015


The documents below are from a public newspaper and judicial website. It has been publicly revealed that the Connecticut Juvenile Training School official was detained for DUI in May 2015. Yet in spite of the arrest which includes other things, as far as I know there has been no move by CJTS Superintendent William [I did not know] Rosenbeck to discipline her for these these infractions. If this were Youth Service Officers involved in such foolishness then it certainly would bring a swift discipline of some sort from management. Well, since most of disciplinary actions at the CJTS Plantation are against employees of color, it is understandable Ramsey -as a white female- would escape any discipline.

"Kristy Ramsey, 35, of 17 Kensington Lane, Rocky Hill, was charged May 5 with driving with a suspended license, driving under the influence, failure to drive reasonable distance apart and failure to have insurance" Newington Town Crier CLICK HERE TO KEEP READING.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015


The DCF  Plantation Blog will attempt to post items this week regarding the Connecticut Juvenile Training School Supervisor seeking Adult Probation for May 2015 DUI with Suspended License. It is necessary for this blog to show the behaviors of people trusted with modeling for incarcerated CJTS residents and how white management refuses to address this issue about one of their own. The picture will show how this Supervisor might have compromised on interacting behaviors due to certain actions in the picture. Also the court document will reveal the name of this Supervisor and charges involved.

At the time these documents are posted [ hopefully this week ] we will ask the following question- how can management punish YSOs for EVERY infraction but let a SUPERVISOR and Assistant Superintendent of troubled youth / girls get away with these infractions... not be disciplined?

Sunday, November 8, 2015


The action is visible and palpable all over America... activists are saying #BlackLivesMatter. Activists are demonstrating in various ways and this has the people in positions of power nervous. The police are following me and it has to do with advocating for black liberation. In Greater Hartford, CT black SUVs with white males [ usually ] in tweed jackets and dark glasses follow me at a distance and sometimes close behind. What crime did I as a black male commit for police forces in America to monitor my movements for the last few months ? First of all, my involvement with an organization called Moral Monday CT might be the logical place to start in figuring this all out. In 2014 Bishop John Selders and wife Pamela Selders started MMCT with the idea of addressing inequality foisted on black people not only in CT but nationwide. I was at the initial meeting of that MMCT movement and pledged support to John and Pam in moving the agenda forward. We have held die-ins at Hartford City Hall, blocked major highways twice [ and been arrested ], protested inside and outside of the Hartford Police Department plus formed strategic alliances with white activists. MMCT has resisted efforts by white power brokers to engage in dialogue with us. Also when white power brokers trotted out moderate Negro leaders as "true voices of reasonable folk" we resisted these attempts and pushed our agenda. At this juncture you might guess the police and white politicians were not and are not happy with MMCT. My years as an activist in Hartford made people aware of certain strategies used in social protest. White power brokers recognize that many of MMCT social protest actions have similarities to my philosophy which is "no give, no take, no compromise, no prisoners." Guerilla type forays into white enclaves lasting only three -four minutes shouting "#BlackLivesMatter" and reading  a manifesto statement before disappearing into waiting vans [ before police can arrive ] is not what HPD forces are use to. The police actually want MMCT to inform them of our future activities. Yeah right ! Since when do you give the opponent notice of your strategy? In addition MMCT leadership is black and that is the way it is going to stay. At this juncture whites sent by power brokers to report on what MMCT is planning have been confronted and purged from the organization. When one former ally sold out to HPD for a $15,000 grant to start something between youth and police we excluded her from the MMCT equation too. In addition, blacks that love old Massa more than freedom for black folk have also been effectively excluded from MMCT. All of this has left white folk scratching their heads as to what to do. So now I am being followed by police for at least two months as part of their new intimidation tactic. In the words of those old rappers NWA "fuck the police."

Second, we must realize MMCT has been making national and international connections around the issue of fighting black oppression in America. This summer MMCT  et al., traveled to eight cities in as many days toward Ferguson, Mo for the one year anniversary of Michael Brown's shooting death. We stopped at churches, informed people about the need to donate funds to the struggle of black liberation, then continued our journey. There were churches filled with over flow crowds eager to hear what the black struggle is all about. These mostly Christian people where we stopped pledged support for the black struggle. All of this nexus with ordinary and influential members of the clergy must be worrisome to local police forces. For two weeks MMCT was on the road and in Ferguson / St. Louis Mo. Then we arrived in the town Michael Brown was shot down like a dog in and the scrutiny by police really started.

Third, MMCT arrived in Ferguson and met with dynamic leaders of the movement in that geographical location. Reverend Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou is known internationally for his leadership during the year long Ferguson uprising. I travelled with  Rev. Sekou, Dr. Cornel West and Bree Newsome [ she took down the Confederate flag from a pole outside of the South Carolina statehouse ] for almost one week. During that time period the police shadowed us constantly. When we protested outside of the Department of Justice building I was standing next to Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou and Dr.West when they jumped the police barricade and got arrested. In addition while in Ferguson / St. Louis meetings with Palestinians from overseas and having them participate in protest concerning Michael Brown probably caught the attention of police. My picture appeared on MSNBC with Bree Newsome while she spoke before one thousand people during the anniversary of Michael Brown's death. I was in the front row with Bishop Selders and Bree marching to the DOJ protest. Then after arriving back in Hartford, CT we planned and implemented social protest against black oppression.

Yes the police are following me and it has to do with advocating for black liberation. In this fight we are waged in with white power brokers, racists, state sanctioned police terror against people of color, and sold out moderate Negro leaders- there is a lot at stake. However, I am not afraid of the police and will pay whatever price necessary to achieve liberation for my people. And to be honest that is what worries the police about me.


Friday, November 6, 2015


There are documents that surfaced describing several incidents with this particular Connecticut Juvenile Training School Supervisor. In previous stories on this blog it has been described how a certain Supervisor / management person goes out after work hours with staff.. imbibing.. playing grab ass.. then coming to work the next day trying to instruct staff. We feel these actions are certainly crossing certain boundaries as it relates to the workplace. Now it has been revealed that this same CJTS Supervisor might have done other things such as on "May 5th 2015 driving with suspended license and no insurance. Also a second offense of driving under the influence [ DUI ], failure to drive reasonable distance." These things are matters of public record and therefore subject to scrutiny. In the past few months lawmakers and CJTS management have focused on the Youth Services Officers as villains for supposedly improper restraint of residents. When right under the noses of all of these Sherlock Holmes type investigators, there is this CJTS Supervisor driving without proper license, drinking then coming to work for what purpose ? How can this Supervisor instruct residents on life skills when after work these things are happening ? The question that must be asked is this... how is this Supervisor getting to and from work? It seems as if the Supervisor does not have proper driving credentials. While investigations go on about YSOs, management at CJTS looks the other way when this Supervisor is taken into custody for numerous safety violations... while under the influence of alcohol. These documents seen by this blog writer also reveal the Supervisor is awaiting disposition in Adult Probation Court 6/30/16.

So does this mean that the CJTS Supervisor will continue to be ignored by white management for breaking the law? Is there no just discipline for someone who drinks, drives with suspended license, then is seen in pictures at events possibly intoxicated and bent over like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. There has to be some justice in the universe, will this offense go unpunished and the Supervisor continue to drive around while singing the song "one Bourbon, one Scotch, one beer."

When will CJTS Superintendent  William Rosenbeck come out of his somnolent state and recognize what is going on with this particular management person ? We see Rosenbeck finally came out of his head in the ground approach when it was time to throw the YSOs under the bus, during legislative hearings into possible mistreatment of residents. We know Rosenbeck et al., were up in arms [ like villagers in old Frankenstein movies storming the mad professor's castle...] when it was time to sacrifice the black male YSO Dupree for some incident with residents. Yet when it comes to dealing with another management person for DUI and driving without a legal license, then Rosenbeck suddenly loses his voice. Such is life on the DCF Plantation.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


The Connecticut Juvenile Training School often has trainings at a facility in Manchester for staff and management. The facility that CJTS members go to has video games plus bar combined. This writer has email sources that report more than just trainings occur at this facility. The agenda reads these trainings at  are over at 4:00pm,  but by 3:00pm CJTS management is at the bar drinking liquor or alcoholic beverages. Say What? This is interesting in light of the fact documents read how one CJTS Supervisor / manager is currently seeking probation for driving under the influence of alcohol [ DUI ]. A recent document surfaced describing how this CJTS manager is seeking accelerated probation for the drinking charge in court; sure sets a bad example for residents at that facility. Now to make matters even worse, Supervisors go out after work hours to party, while pictures show people in positions of influence at CJTS Plantation with glassy eyes, and hands placed on the buttocks of other management types. If residents and staff at CJTS are held to high standards how on earth can this Supervisor be charged with DUI and still keep a job?

There are pictures being circulated depicting CJTS managers and Supervisors drinking to excess and with their hands on the buttocks of other managers. This type of behavior only illustrates lack of boundaries and staff. How will managers be able to give directives to staff after drinking with them while playing grab ass ? Who has the courage to post those pictures?

The Youth Service Officers at CJTS are good at "talking loud but saying nothing." This phrase would explain how all over that campus talk about the manager charged with DUI is going subject of conversation. However the lack of courage stops YSOs from bringing such an issue to public forums with management. Now you know why YSOs are treated with disrespect by management, they [ YSOs ] have no heart.

Monday, November 2, 2015


While a student at Lincoln Christian College in Lincoln, Illinois excellent Professors taught about many things i.e. philosophy, history, and of course the Bible and God. I listened intently as Professors Strauss, Clymer, Sackett, McNeely, Mrs Shaw, et al., taught that God was and is present in history. There are two types of revelation the teachers said (1) General Revelation in which the "heavens declare the glory of God ; the skies proclaim the work of his hands" and that includes what we see and experience, (2) Special Revelation ..."the dramatic news that God has acted in history.. through the incarnate person and work of Christ [ Hebrews 1:2 ] "in the past God spoke to us through the prophets...many times and in various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us by his Son."  Ergo, in my mind the term revelation has to do with something being disclosed.. opened up, or rolled out. Now this brings me to the following dilemma ; what is going on with God as it relates to the current segment of the black struggle in America ?

For the last three plus years in America black people and their white allies have struggled against police sanctioned violence and terror. Several highly publicized incidents of black women and men being killed by white police officers caused street protests, movements such as #blacklivesmatter to form, resurgence of old forms of protest i.e. The New Black Panther Party etc. In all of the existential angst by black people against oppression in America : WE MUST KNOW WHERE GOD IS AND WHAT HE IS DOING IN THE REVOLUTION. At this juncture the police forces in this country are cracking down on movements by black people and their allies; proclamations of black lives matter are drowned out by white reactionaries hollering all lives matter. The people in Ferguson / St. Louis, Mo have waged battles with police for over one year... being tear gassed, shot at with rubber bullets, facing armored vehicles or tanks. In all of this fervor by the oppressed to gain egalitarian rights, black people have not seen or felt the manifestation of this God whom they have embraced fervently since arriving as slaves in America over 400 years ago. We go to houses of worship on Sunday, give a tenth of earnings to a deity the preachers shout about as "having risen from the dead after three days" and gives us rewards in the next life-when we are dead. Well, instead of getting some reward after death, can black folk get a little help down here on earth fighting the oppressor ?

If blacks continue to pledge allegiance to some deity called God, then it is only fitting to inquire about some assistance in our time of need in this revolutionary struggle, that in reality is a struggle to the death. After over 400 years of social control to subjugate black people the oppressor will not let us go. There are still barriers placed in front of and behind black folk that need dismantling. It is clear that in such a titanic battle for survival help is needed from every source possible, yes  including divine intervention. However, blacks have called out to this God they worship and still no answer : there is no pillar of cloud by day to lead us out of the hands of the oppressor, nor pillar of fire at night to guide besieged revolutionary forces to victory. There is only silence. In the vastness of this Cosmos- where is the divine revelation and help for black people? I journeyed to Ferguson, Mo for the one year anniversary of Michael Brown being shot and killed by police. The law enforcement officers treated all revolutionary forces black and white with the same disrespect. When once again people were being mistreated, when tear gas flowed, when truncheons were used to crack protestors over their heads : WE MUST KNOW WHERE GOD IS AND WHAT HE IS DOING IN THE REVOLUTION.

When Rome was a suckling, when Greece was young,
Then there were Gods fit to be sung,
Who paid the loyal devotee
For service rendered zealously,

In coin a man might feel and spend,
Not marked Deferred to Journey's End,
The servant then was worth his hire;
He went unscathed through flood and fire;
Gods were a thing then to admire.

"Bow down and worship us" they said.
You shall be clothed, be housed and fed,
While yet you live, not when you're dead.
---Countee Cullen
     The Black Christ

Monday, October 26, 2015


The photographs sent to DCF Plantation Blog are interesting to view. from an objective point, these seem like ordinary scenes of women having fun at some event. Sources report however that the pictures -at least to them- depict boundaries being crossed between Connecticut Juvenile training School staff and management. There is a female in the picture with blond hair and wearing a green (?) dress that sources report is part of CJTS plantation management partying with those employees she oversees each week. Now there is nothing wrong with hanging out after work but with rank and file staff ? Just imagine coming to work Monday and taking directives from your boss that got loose at the club with employees. In the picture we see this same alleged supervisor with her hand placed clearly on the buttocks of an employee ( in tight black clothing ) and looking at the buttocks as if for some kind of revelation.

Again what message does this activity send to rank and file staff ? if you remember, lawmakers and members of the Child Advocate Office have been claiming resident abuse at CJTS from the actions of Youth Service Officers -during restraints. Sources report that various Units at CJTS are not uniform when it comes to restraint policy : if supervisors party hardy with staff, squeezing buttocks in playful camera scenes, is it any wonder policy and procedure is not followed by rank and file employees ?   Oh well, maybe after the pictures are published somewhere people can judge for themselves ?

I wonder if anyone in those pictures did the shimmy at that event like Tina Turner when she sang rolling on the river ?

Saturday, October 24, 2015


The reports from Connecticut Juvenile Training School are focusing on a certain resident in building # 5 consistently assaulting staff. In the space of about two weeks the resident punched several staff and did not fear being restrained due to all the media attention given to the Whistle Blower's allegations [ Youth Service Officers are abusing residents ]. When this male attacks staff there are people standing nearby who will not seek to safeguard the health of another employee. Fear of losing their job due to micro- managing restraint procedures is one cause of not stopping these assaults.

This writer received numerous e-mail messages concerning a certain supervisor at CJTS who parties after work hours with employees that are directed by that particular administrator. Now there are policies prohibiting inappropriate relationships between supervisors and staff. There is nothing to stop employees from meeting in the community after work. However I am talking about a situation where a supervisor goes out to night clubs with employees and in photographed placing  a hand on the employee's arse [ Irish for butt ]. In these pictures something curious can be seen i.e. supervisor and employee boundaries being crossed. Now how can any supervisor go to work the day after such antics with other employees and then command respect ? It is possible to conclude that such club room antics could be one reason that each Unit follows different patterns of resident restraints. This writer has seen several pictures of this supervisor with employees and wonders about boundaries. Hmmmm !

Friday, October 16, 2015


“Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another
   -- Homer

I want to thank the white activist for reminding me of who I am in America. Since my involvement with Moral Monday CT and #BlackLivesMatter movements there has been a lot of backlash from some whites. Most whites claim all lives matter or just offer arguments based on incomprehensible logic that numbs my brain. However most recently events in Hartford put me in contact with whites claiming solidarity with MMCT etc. I have been invited to activists homes, sat in on difficult discussions about race in churches, argued about use of tactics and the need to follow black leadership. During all of this dialogue and interaction some whites claimed solidarity in fighting 400 plus years of social construction aimed at keeping blacks in their place in America.

There are times that being in close contact to whites can lull black people into a Rip Van Winkle like slumber, where all is right in the universe and we walk in lockstep with white allies. Then we are awakened from that somnolent state by words or actions of whites. I was in dialogue with some one about the current state of the black struggle and noticed certain words said to me. At first those words were overlooked but then I just asked in casual conversation what was meant by certain phrases. The exact wording revolved around "putting up barriers" as it related to me. Then the word "fear of the unknown" was used to describe interactions with me. Now in all fairness the person did explain they did not know me and the choice of words were bad. But that explanation only came after I inquired about those specific words "fear of the unknown" as reasons for putting barriers up i.e. keeping me at arms length until they got to know me. Hmmmm !

What is interesting is that since coming to Hartford fresh from theological school in 1991 I have been front and center as an activist. My skirmishes with drug dealers, gang members, politicians, black leaders and state run agencies over racism is a matter of public record. My voice and face dominated Hartford media and newspapers for over one decade; yet this white activist said "fear of the unknown" in describing me. Let me be clear. This article is not to beat up on white folks. However it is worth looking at the mindset that uttered those words. "fear of the unknown" as it relates to black people is what caused certain law enforcement agencies to destroy the Black Panther Party. It was not the BPPs Survival Programs or Breakfast Programs that scared America. It was the fact that these black militants were different than Negroes seen on the American landscape; ergo, they were feared. My interaction with the white activist who  claimed  verbal solidarity caused a deeper reaction below the level of their consciousness. Somewhere this person did not feel comfortable with me around issues of so called solidarity, this became apparent when the words "fear of the unknown " were used in the context of putting up barriers to check me out... until it was safe. Hey let me ask the question of this white activist ..safe from what?  I have been accused of being impertinent with language regarding social issues. There are times I also implement a take no prisoners strategy when dealing with social issues. Is that reason for the white activist to fear me?

America reacts to certain people of color that advocate strongly for social justice etc, just like the white activist reacted to me. However those feelings of unease around certain blacks are so submerged that whites do not know they exist. Then when something bubbles to the surface that resembles "the portrait of Dorian Gray" in it's hideousness, then whites back track on the language. Milton was correct in writing "truth comes to us first in hideous mien." In this case the truth from that white activist is a microcosm of what many whites feel.

In conclusion, let me say to the white activist thanks for reminding me of who I am In America.

Is it truly possible in this in this pseudo Christian land,
For a black male to stand up,
and act like a man ?

I don't want to be obsequious,
or act like some Uncle Tom,
in order to get along.

But when black males act like men,
Then whites say that's wrong.

It makes no difference to me
What you do or say,

I'm going to stand erect
and be a man anyway.

Thursday, October 15, 2015


The Real Art Way Theatre in Hartford presented the new documentary of the Black Panther Party on October 9, 2015 5:30pm. Crowds of white people flowed into the theatre along with some blacks claiming to be Moors and other assorted folks. What is interesting is that for months members of Moral Monday CT have engaged whites in dialogue about being part of denouncing and ending oppression of blacks in America. Whites in response have questioned the ideological...theoretical concepts of the current black struggle plus used microscopes to examine our tactics. It took an act of Congress for some whites to finally relent enough to join MMCT street blockage of several major highways or die in at City Hall. So it is with amazement that I discovered so many white people stormed Real Art Ways Theatre to watch this BPP documentary. Oh the white folks were besides themselves being in a theatre with blacks and discussing revolution etc. However what intrigues me is when will whites actually become involved in some sort of revolutionary activity ?

It seems as if whites want to get revolutionary fervor through osmosis. Whites go to events discussing racism, they debate structural racism into the ground, but there is no solidarity with their so called black activists. Let me be clear. It is easy for whites to go see a damn documentary about how blacks sacrificed to gain freedom using BPP as a vehicle. Yet these same whites creep back to the safety of white privilege when asked to be down with the current revolution. These whites do not want to sacrifice or fight for black freedom; hell, they might become uncomfortable being real fighters for freedom. There are levels of sacrifice involved in being dedicated like members of the old BPP, at this juncture whites are not willing or able to make such a commitment.

At the end of the BPP documentary the eyes of white folk were ablaze with what they saw on the movie screen. Now the question must be asked are you down with the current revolution in America or just shucking and jiving?

All Power To The People !!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015



The rumors are flying around about how the Connecticut Juvenile Training School Whistle Blower has fallen from grace. It was only last week that the person who took hundreds of documents to the Child Advocate -and crying about resident abuse by employees- then caused investigations by media and lawmakers in Hartford. That same person was quoted in the media and walked around bragging "yeah I did it and so what." Now reports come to the DCF Plantation Blog about the Whistle Blower being out on administrative leave for passing a note from one resident with telephone number to another resident. What the heck did you say?  This writer wonders what will come of this latest episode [ one of many over the years ] in the life of the Whistle Blower.


A relative of management is currently working at CJTS and made what some call "the boo boo." This CJTS employee placed a resident on the telephone in the  clinician's office and left that person unsupervised. In that office was the clinician's gym bag full of personal items. Residents rummaged through the bag and extracted one panty. At this juncture the residents passed that single panty around as some sort of trophy on exhibit. This writer can report that this violation of a clinician's personal clothing made residents happy. However what about the poor woman who found out about this panty caper. And what discipline will happen to the relative of that management person, who did not watch that resident while on the telephone?

In both of these cases cited above one can plainly understand why CJTS is dysfunctional. There are lapses in supervision by management and this causes chaos on the plantation.

Saturday, October 10, 2015


The chaotic scene at Connecticut Juvenile Training School is like some sort of nightmare from the Twilight Zone. A disgruntled whistle blower at CJTS feed documents of alleged abuse to state officials. Then there is an investigation that leads to public hearings; a black man is denounced as culprit over his use of restraints of residents. There is media frenzy over the issue when CJTS videos of restraints are mysteriously leaked. In their infinite wisdom, CJTS management et al., blame YSOs for all the problems at that facility.

Then all of a sudden YSOs plus teachers ban together to address how management has unfairly placed blame for that dysfunctional facility on rank and file members. The local Union gathered employees at their headquarters recently for some sort of panel discussion to address management's attempt at distorting what is really going on at DCF Plantation. However in this writer's opinion, the coming together process is too little, too late. In 2010 workers were trying to elicit support from CJTS employees for a class action lawsuit against the Department of Children and Families / CJTS for racism, hostile work environment... Civil Rights violations. Workers on the DCF Plantation refused to be part of any legal action and distanced themselves from the DCF Plantation Five... originators of the lawsuit. All workers were concerned about at that time consisted of working overtime and going to happy hour to consume chicken wings.

Now there is fear among CJTS workers due to the public image that management crafted in portraying YSOs as lawless thugs harming children. Oh, by the way CJTS picked a black man named Dupree as scapegoat for unlawful restraints. Well. Seems as if chickens have come home to roost; workers refused to organize in the past when then employee Cornell Lewis spoke about challenging management. Now the handwriting is on the wall and management has thrown CJTS employees under the bus. Before the Union meeting YSOs were begging one of the DCF Plantation Five .. Linette Gaunichaux to attend the meeting. "We need your voice" YSOs and teachers proclaimed. You did not need Linette in the past, but now that management has vilified YSOs you want Linette as your champion.

Now workers are fighting back. I maintain it is too little, too late.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


The management team of Connecticut Juvenile Training School / Department of Children and Families are under tremendous pressure from media and lawmakers concerning employee restraints at CJTS. Not only are lawmakers holding hearings and conducting property inspections at the facility, but looking for scapegoats too. In America whenever there are problems in society it is necessary -in the words of character Clay in Sons of Anarchy- " to blame it on the black man." In previous blog stories Youth Service Officer Dupree became the black man CJTS /DCF blamed for harmful restraint practices. Yeah man, Dupree's name and address were given to media; leaked videos showed this large black man restraining some resident at CJTS. However sources report the technique shown in that video is taught at Safe Crisis Management Trainings authorized by plantation hierarchy. Let me not digress from the point. Dupree is now the face of all that is supposedly wrong with client restraints. He is now terminated from a job with CJTS. This is not the only black man to be depicted as menacing and marauding through the DCF / CJTS countryside ...like Frankenstein.

Former employee [ retired ] YSO Cornell Lewis did not see an altercation between two residents while working at CJTS. Lewis and staff were looking at something on a computer during the fight  that lasted seconds. Lewis attempts at organizing employees to address favoritism, racial animus made management angry--- so they gas lighted him. Lewis got paced on administrative leave for being harmful to children at that facility.The arbitrator failed to see Lewis as any kind of threat and restored his employment with benefits and back pay. However for one year the scenario was the same as the one for Dupree; black man is dangerous. In Lewis case he fought back, he refused to be part of some jive narrative that assassinated his character ... put out by vengeful management. Now it is 3 years after Lewis arbitration vindication that brother Dupree is sacrificed as some black male Frankenstein, who ravages the CJTS countryside.

Hold on, in 2009 a white male YSO physically struck some resident and only received 10 days off. The white male YSO did not get terminated for hitting the resident in front of witnesses, nor was his address placed in newspapers. In Dupree's case mobile news trucks sat in front of his house after the story of him as dangerous black man surfaced.


Thursday, September 24, 2015


The rulers at Department of Children and Families plus Connecticut Juvenile Training School are under siege by media... lawmakers. In order to get the focus off them DCF Plantations management did something despicable but not unexpected. A Youth Service Officer at CJTS named Dupree was publicly humiliated and fired. Dupree is now the black face of all the problems at CJTS. What makes this so reprehensible is tapes of Dupree restraining a resident were leaked to the media, then political posturing started. The head of DCF thundered proclamations from the mountain top about "cleaning up the facility and making sure residents are safe." Then the CJTS Superintendent held some jive meeting with YSOs to "assure them he is on their side."  Most YSOs contacted this blog and said they held their nose doing the CJTS meeting.
Let me be clear.

 All of this is going on because for years CJTS has been allowed to get out of control because management did not provide clear direction / purpose. Keystone Cops management allowed every Unit at CJTS to be run by petty warlord supervisors... according to different criteria. Now the Child Advocate -with help by the glorified CJTS whistle blower- released reports condemning YSO restraint techniques and everyone is trying to cover their backs. Hell, even the whistle blower is being quoted in the on line publication CT News Junkie. Oh by the way this whistle blower is trying to get transferred to 3rd shift because co-workers are not happy with all these false revelations... or the sacrifice of Dupree. Well if we read the history of America correctly, it is always better to place blame on the black man. And Dupree is a big.. strong... muscular black man. I wonder if the big black buck image played any part in throwing Dupree under the bus ? Hmmmmm !

Monday, September 21, 2015


The Connecticut Juvenile Training School is spiraling out of control due to lack of leadership. Since the Child Advocate released her critical report about CJTS, management is running scared. Let me be clear. CJTS has always been dysfunctional and KeyStone Cops management operated that facility badly. However now directives are going out preventing Youth Service Officers from doing their jobs; residents are getting bold by saying " you [ YSOs ] cannot touch me so fuck going to bed at the designated time". To show you how out of control things are, consider an incident September 17, 2015 while CJTS residents were in school. Sources report that a resident decided not to stay in school... then ran outside onto the facility grounds. For almost 30 minutes the resident wandered the plantation facility while YSOs just stood and looked. KeyStone Cops management are reluctant to do anything that might cause more scrutiny from law makers or the Child Advocate Office. At this juncture lawmakers seem poised to try and close this dysfunctional facility that costs 30 million dollars to operate yearly. While Rome burns Nero fiddles. While CJTS spirals out of control management sits in their offices scared of shadows on the wall.

What is going on in Unit 5D with residents ? Sources report how this certain resident is spitting on and biting staff. Instead of trying to contain the problem, dysfunctional management refuses to address the biting or spitting. The resident in question is saying how no one can restrain him. He knows about publicity focused on CJTS, and this leads to acting out behaviors when management does not operate to restore rule of law. This attitude is shared by all residents at CJTS.

Finally to highlight the problems at CJTS let us look at the following incident. The resident is acting out behaviorally on his Unit. Someone decided to make the decision to send this resident to get help from hospital professionals. The original decision was to send the resident to Sol Norit South Hospital. However lack of communication between management / supervisors allowed the resident to be sent to Middlesex Hospital. Say what ??  This is the height of  incompetence, you send a person in need of help to the wrong location, due to poor communication from the Assistant Superintendent in charge of Pueblo Girls Unit. It is reported by YSOs that Assistant Superintendent Christy Ramsey's lack of communication skills might possibly be a factor in sending the resident to the wrong hospital. DCF Plantation blog cannot verify this with Ramsey due to the fact the blog's staff is considered persona non grata. CJTS staff has been told not to talk with blog staff writers.

Sunday, September 20, 2015


It was a nice...sunny day September 19, 2015 at the address 4-40 Vine Street Apartments in Hartford. At 11:00am Moral Monday CT black leadership met residents of this apartment complex about concerns. The residents have in the past helped run drug dealers out of the apt. complex and forced renovations to the massive structures on Vine Street. However now there are concerns about problems in newly renovated buildings only months after people moved in. Bishop John Selders, wife Pamela Selders, and Cornell Lewis toured the apartment complex and listened to the residents complaints. There are five major complaints from residents (1.) buildings are not maintained in the back, dumpsters not emptied they smell... and crawling with maggots, (2.) there are vermin in building e.g. mice, spiders, roaches and bats inside walls, (3.) buildings are not consistently cleaned inside by regular staff. This lack of cleaning is due to management hiring other workers for cheaper rates, (4.) employees are not recording rental fees responsibility... inaccurate ledgering of rental monies, (5.) apartments advertised as including heat... air conditioning... and water within rental payment. However when residents moved in management changed the story so that residents pay for these utilities.

Residents blame Schochet Companies 536 Granite Street ... Braintree, Massachusetts as the culprit behind these problems with apartments. There are reports of residents having tried to present concerns to Schochet Companies but have not been taken seriously. It worth noting that residents of 4-40 Vine Street Apartments contacted Moral Monday CT leadership for guidance and advocacy around this issue. There are so called black leaders in Hartford running around promoting their persona... getting photographed with politicians and promoting feel good events. Yet when people of color in this apartment complex need help... so called black leaders are not to be found. I guess it is easier to go stand with lawmakers at the Legislative Office Building than be with your people in the Northend of Hartford. Well at least Moral Monday CT black leadership is addressing the needs of marginalized people instead of grinning like Buckwheat with the white power structure.

Thursday, September 17, 2015


In reading Greek literature and mythology there is always the main character with a Tragic Flaw. To simplify what I mean ... it goes like this ; person commit great deeds or exhibits certain character qualities ...then does something foolish to fall from grace. Odysseus, Theseus,  Oedipus, Achilles, Ajax, Diomedes, and Hector displayed certain character traits as admirable then succumbed to the Tragic Flaw. However at Connecticut Juvenile Training School there is some demented twist on this concept of Tragic Flaw being flaunted around. In the past several weeks media attention has focused on how supposedly out of control Youth Service Officers are dangerously restraining residents for no reason. There are Hartford Courant news articles about the subject, television coverage, and legislative hearings by lawmakers about "the problem" at CJTS. All of this information came to light when a certain employee of CJTS collected hundreds of documents during work and delivered this data to the Child Advocate Office. This person claimed to be upset about treatment of residents by uncaring peers. To anyone looking from the outside into CJTS this would seem to be an admirable quality from the Whistle Blower.

However if we look closely the shine on this Whistle Blower is tarnished or to put it another way full of pyrites [ fools gold as it is called ]. In the past this same Whistle Blower has been involved in numerous incidents that caused peers of color to file complaints about racial animus with Human Resources. Let us list all of the incidents that contribute to this YSO seeming to possess the Tragic Flaw.

1. At some point in the past being investigated for assault on a resident.
2. The use of state equipment without out permission and during working hours.
3. Posting racially charged notes about co-workers of color in various Units.
4. Verbally assaulting a black female co-worker to the point of tears.
4. Being terminated, rehired, fired, and then violating any restraints imposed by management as
     conditions for re-employment.
5. character assassination of a black female running for Union Representative.
6. Going to various Units to inform residents how not to obey directives of other YSOs.
7. Displaying erratic behaviors that led to being banned from CJTS property because staff / et al.,
    felt uncomfortable.

   After reading the list above any sentient person would have to assume there is a Tragic Flaw in this
   person's character. Why then is the YSO running all over CJTS facility claiming to be the Whistle
   Blower .... that went to the Child Advocate to expose alleged resident abuse by co-workers ?
   It is no secret that management used the Whistle Blower in the past as a Fifth Columnist to bring
   havoc on fellow YSOs. When CJTS management got all the use possible out of this self proclaimed
   Whistle Blower they jettisoned him to obscurity. Now in the second reincarnation of the Whistle
    Blower... the title of Saviour has been adopted and this person claims credit for the maelstrom at
    CJTS. One day the YSO is used as tool of management, then goes to goat, and finally hero.

   In the final analysis this person is some sort of hero... at least in their own mind.

Monday, September 14, 2015


It has come to the attention of DCF Plantation blog that Youth Service Officers are suffering from anxiety about recent events at Connecticut Juvenile Training School. First the Child Advocate publishes a scathing report about YSOs are actually harming residents with unnecessary restraints or takedowns. Second after this report came out lawmakers held hearings about CJTS / Department of Children and Family. Then after those things happened, lawmakers came to inspect CJTS facilities and continue to do so. All of this sent shivers through the DCF Plantation hierarchy and YSOs too. The weird thing that keeps coming up is how YSOs had chances to not let it get to the point of no return : now, lawmakers want to close CJTS permanently.

The workers know what the real problems are ... racism, management that operates in dysfunctional ways when it comes to running that facility ; high paid supervisors who are incompetent... the list goes on. However YSOs did not stand up and fight or expose apparent injustices. YSOs continued to keep low profiles, secure overtime and complain out of earshot of management. YSOs were / are still whispering in Old Massa's house. What is both sad / funny is now these same spineless people are looking for jobs in other facilities. Connecticut Valley Hospital posted openings recently, and YSOs flocked to get applications. When asked why they want to leave the answer came back "it is demoralizing to work at CJTS." However in 2010 five brave employees launched class action lawsuits against CJTS / DCF for racism...bias... hostile workplace environment etc. Not one YSO stood in solidarity with the DCF Plantation 5. On the contrary barn yard, buck dancing, head scratching employees attacked the DCF Plantation 5 as trouble makers. People sat back and watched as white management attacked the DCF Plantation 5.. all of whom are employees of color. If just for once those cowering masses of humanity called YSOs would have stood up, faced the oppressors, then maybe things might be different on the CJTS plantation.

Now the chickens have come home to roost ; because of not standing up in the past to oppression, CJTS management et al., have put forth narratives blaming YSOs for facility troubles. YSOs are now running around like chickens with no heads, asking the Union or God to save their cowardly arse. It will be interesting to watch how things develop in the next few months about CJTS / DCF.

Lawmakers plus the Child Advocate office certainly seem to have the upper hand. Yet if activists had fought hard in the past to expose what really was going on at CJTS, then the YSOs might not be ready to abandon ship.

Just perhaps the YSOs are getting what they deserve for non action.


This is a brief diary about 12-14 people that departed Hartford on 7-312-15 bound for Ferguson, Missouri. We intended to participate in the one year anniversary of the shooting death of Michael Brown by white Police Officer Darren Wilson. The trip took eight days-while we stopped at churches along the way collecting money for activist's legal fees who got arrested during the event.

We were suppose to  depart ( 8-4-15) from Cleveland at 10:00am for Cincinnati. The group had discussions about a number of issues facing our tour ; we are late in leaving, it is 1:30pm and the next event is scheduled for 5:00pm. There is at least four hours of driving ahead of an already tired group. Well finally we arrived at Freedom Center Underground Railroad Museum around 6:00pm [ late one hour ]. The auditorium where we perform is filled with a few people. Bishop John Selders gives the audience an introduction about why the tour developed and goals after we reach Ferguson. While the band is singing songs I play along with spoons and dejembe. Several black male poets performed i.e. Austin Larkins , Gamm LeBeau , also one of the tour members named Jake recited personal poetry.

The tour group ate dinner -provided by hosts of a local church- and then I went to the Millennium Hotel around 11pm. The tour members slept in facilities provided by a local church.

 At 11:00am Bishop Selders held group discussions in the basement of the church facility for our group to iron out differences. We were suppose to be on the road driving toward Ferguson but people wanted to talk. Around 1:00pm this meeting ended but there is still strong artistic feelings around how shows need to be performed. Finally the group is headed for St.Louis -we leave Louisville, Kentucky off the scheduled tour stop. It is 9:00pm on 8-5-15 and the group arrives in St. Louis seeking housing for the night. Again a local church provides housing for tour members while I sleep at the Cheshire Hotel room 249 ( a great place to reside ). Bishop Selders et al. went to the home of Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou a leading theologian of the Ferguson uprising. This short... slightly built man is highly intelligent and is fearless in facing oppression in that environment. Rev. Sekou revealed to us that Bree Newsome would be coming to Ferguson for Michael Brown's anniversary celebration and she might need security. Ms. Bree Newsome was arrested on June 27, 2015 for taking down the Confederate battle flag ... on the grounds of the South Carolina State House. This action has made Bree the target of certain right wing extremists and Rev. Sekou wanted to make sure this black woman did not get hurt by white racists in the area. I agreed to help provide security for Bree. Later the discussion at Rev. Sekou's home focused on what direction the Ferguson uprising needed to evolve into. For over one year dedicated activists -black, white, gay, straight- have been fighting against oppression in that area and many of these fighters are mentally -spiritually drained.

Bishop Selders, wife Pamela Selders and I went to several clothing stores. I need suitable clothing for the task of appearing with Bree Newsome in public. We then visited Greater Saint Mark Family Church in order to get a visual idea of how to best provide security for not only Bree Newsome but Professor Cornel West who would also join us for the Michael Brown celebration. Around 7:30pm members of the tour went to a local college to watch this documentary about the infamous shooting of a black male by this white male over the playing of loud rap music... in gas station.... 200-300 people were in attendance. Rev. Sekou was mobbed by well wishers and people taking pictures.

The tour group went to Civil Disobedience training at Greater Saint Mark Family Church in preparation for upcoming protests.  Activists from all over America will participate in CD. These people are dedicated freedom fighters for liberation in Ferguson / St. Louis. Most of the activists meet at MoKabe's Coffee House to plan strategy. The owner of this establishment Maureen  has graciously allowed her business to be the epic center of all the activity in preparation for Michael Brown's celebration. MoKabe's is the sacred place for activists of the Ferguson rebellion. Delphi had the Oracle of Apollo; St. Louis has MoKabe's as place of worship.

At 2:00pm Bishop Selders, Rev. Sekou et al. went to the rally of Vondruitt Meyers. This black man was shot 17 times by police and later died. His death happened six weeks after Michael Brown's. A crowd of at least one thousand people marched with the family one mile...in 90 minutes. Hot weather took its toll on many people, causing some to faint or discontinue the march. During this event security became a concern for Rev. Sekou due to the stalking of him by a white male. We provided security for Sekou especially, because this white male kept circling Sekou attempting to get close-for what purpose only heaven knows. During the route of this march I was impressed with the number of clergy that were in the crowd. At the end of this event organizers provided food and water. I am impressed by this well organized event. Let me also state that The Nation of Islam provided security and high visibility too. Around 7:30pm we picked up Bree Newsome from the airport. She is soft spoken but full of dedication to the liberation of black people from oppression.
Note: we also picked up Dr. Cornel West from the airport I believe on the same day. However for some reason this was not written down in the journal.
Around 8:25pm we arrived at MoKabe's  Coffee House and ate dinner. Bree received lots of attention from admirers. Dr. West also was inundated by people wanting to take selfies etc.

At 6:30am almost 100 people gathered for interfaith service at scene of Michael Brown's shooting death. Rev. Sekou et al. departed for an interview with media at 7:00am. Rev. Sekou conducted the interview by cell phone. Rev. Sekou and group picked up Professor Cornel West from the airport (?). The group went to a Jesus / Justice meeting at St. John's Church titled "One Year After Michael Brown." Panelists at this event were Lisa Sharon Harper, Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou, Alice W. Hunt, Rev. Starsky D.Wilson. There were 100 plus people attending this event. Later that night around 7:30pm Dr. West / Rev. Sekou spoke to 700-800 people at Greater Saint Mark Family Church. During this same event a panel spoke about the Ferguson rebellion. Around 11:00pm activists held street protests [ peaceful ], but during the event gunfire erupted on the streets. It was reported a black male fired shots at someone. Police then returned fire, wounding the black male with the gun. Rev. Sekou heard about the shooting and became agitated. We [ Bree, Dr. West, and I ] heard about the shooting while eating 11:30pm. Somewhere in all the confusion white men called Oath Keepers showed up carrying weapons... claiming to be protecting the media and protestors.

Rev. Sekou et al. took us to a church for rally before the protest at Department of Justice. Several speeches given by Bree, Dr. West and Rev. Sekou to fire up the crowd. We marched six blocks  with 500 people to DOJ court house in hot as Hades weather. Rev. Sekou led the march with dejembe drum players in in front. A scroll of demands were read on steps of DOJ; songs were sung ... speeches given. At one point the police were lined up behind barricades in anticipation of CD. Police focused on Rev. Sekou and their actions caused me to stand behind him. Police walked closer to Sekou as his back was turned. I informed him of what was going on. Rev. Sekou turned to look at the police. Then at least 40 people started over the barricades led by Dr. West and Rev. Sekou.  The activists sat down on the ground and sang... while locking arms. Then through skillful tactics the group moved closer to the entrance of court house ..blocking it and catching police off guard. People continued to sing... and chant outside of the barricades as police sent in reinforcements to handle protestors. At least 70 people were arrested that jumped those barricades. One hundred people later in the day 3:00pm blocked highways as part of a two pronged strategy of protest. Police arrested all protestors blocking the highway plus towed their cars. It was evident police were angry, using rough tactics on protestors by yanking them out of cars or slamming them to the ground.

During all of these protests officials declared a State of Emergency, bring National Guard into St. Louis and Ferguson. At this juncture Bishop Selders decided to leave the area  [7:00pm ] and get everyone back to Connecticut.

We arrived in Connecticut around 4:00pm tired but grateful for having shared the experience with activists in Ferguson.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015


This is the account of people going from Hartford, CT to Ferguson, Missouri for the 1 year anniversary of Michael Brown's shooting death by a white police officer.


We arrived in Pittsburgh [August 2, 2015] for the purpose of raising money for legal fees at local churches, then giving those funds to activists in Ferguson. The Ferguson Tour group unloaded sound equipment for the performance that night and spoke with the church Pastor. This is a Mennonite congregation located in the heart of an urban setting. We looked out into the audience of 120 people who eagerly awaited our music / poetry performance. Bishop Selders led songs while other tour members participated in other activities. During the question and answer period several church members expressed sympathy with activists in Ferguson and wanted to help support their efforts in some manner. Bishop Selders asked these church members to donate money for the legal fund. Tour members stayed at homes of other Mennonite church folk who were very gracious in offering to help us out. That night -11pm- church folk invited us to dinner at a local eatery and engaged tour members in conversation about social justice issues. Once again artistic differences emerged about music etc., but these problems were overcome.


On August 3, 2015 the All Roads Lead To Ferguson Tour arrived into Cleveland, Ohio ( 6pm ? ). I believe Trinity Commons Church hosted our group. There were 50-60 people present in the audience; a black female opened up the performance with poetry recitation. Bishop Selders began with commentary about what is going on in Ferguson, MO plus how our group traveling there [ for Michael Brown's shooting death ] is essential in order to help fellow activists. Rap music / poetry were presented by various artists before church members ; then as tour members sang, church members came up on stage to join in. Some people actually marched around and stomped on the Confederate Flag. Lots of emotion at this event especially during stomping on Confederate Flag. Finally the tour group departed from this grand church structure and went to various sleeping locations. I went to bed at 12am

Friday, September 4, 2015


I visited Ferguson, Missouri on the one year anniversary of Michael Brown's shooting death by police. We all know the story of how a black man with hands in the air was shot down in the street. Since that horrific event occurred protests have been going on, fueled by years of anger between blacks and predominately white police force. During my seven day visit with other activists in Ferguson it became apparent how some Christians were in the vanguard of facing heavily militarized police, with tanks ....guns.... tear gas etc.  One year later some of these dog tired Christians are still advocating for systematic change in how people of color are treated, by police who swore to protect and serve [ the local community ]. However people who work at Connecticut Juvenile Training School and profess to be Christians are taking the low road when it comes to advocating for justice.

For years the racial animus at CJTS ( and indeed throughout Department of Children & Families ) has systematically targeted employees of color for disproportionate discipline of minor infractions. Key Stone Cop management did not even try to cover up their bias; whenever people of color were disciplined they received the maximum as compared to whites. Yet these so called believers in Jesus at CJTS never once spoke up let alone demonstrated publicly about apparent racial bias. When I think about how clergy in Ferguson are jailed and treated harshly for peaceful protests, versus pseudo Christians at CJTS with lock jaw, it is truly shameful to acknowledge. How can CJTS followers of Jesus watch their peers -black, white, Hispanic- get treated as less than human but say nothing about it ? You can bet on Sunday while in church these same silent Christians are hollering... praising God...falling down while slain in the spirit... or speaking in tongues. Yet no audible sound comes out of these  same holy rollers about racial discrimination on the DCF Plantation.

A salute goes out to Jesus followers in Ferguson who truly are disciples, willing to place their bodies on the line for justice. However the same cannot be said about those silent Christians on the CJTS campus. they have sold out for financial concerns while ignoring injustice that is plain to see.

In the final analysis those so called CJTS Christians will have to answer for their cowardice in the face of oppression.

Thursday, September 3, 2015


The howling from Connecticut Juvenile Training School is not from any people in particular. It has been reported that the Key Stone Cops management at CJTS are running in circles like dogs chasing their tails. The Child Advocate office recently issued a scathing report about ill treatment of residents by staff. Since that document was released the CJTS facility -according to employee reports - is in chaos. The YSOs do not want to restrain residents because of the fear of discipline from management; as a result of the fear running rampant, the facility is even more dysfunctional. It has been reported how recently ten YSOs sat around watching four clinicians talk to out of control residents. These residents were throwing items at staff, verbally assaulting staff and ignoring directives. For these infractions decisive action should have been taken. But if YSOs try to restore discipline, then Monday morning quarterbacks are coming after the fact to punish staff-based on fear of the Child Advocate report and hearings being held by legislators about CJTS.

Why is it supervisors in charge of Unit 6B are being accused by staff of not being leaders ? Reliable sources are commenting how recently residents assaulted YSOs, refused to go in their rooms at night and spineless leadership did nothing. Why is it YSO Elliot -a good man- has been hit by residents twice yet no charges were filed by management ? Yes Unit 6B is off the hook.

Finally it must be stated how afraid management is of all the noise created by the Child Advocate report and DCF / CJTS hearings by legislators about alleged employee abuse of residents. Key Stone Cop management recently instituted a novel idea for residents. Now youth convicted of crimes are treated to something called a Comfort Room !! Sources report that residents who are out of control behaviorally or emotionally can go into a room with Bean Bag, MP 3 player and colored lights. Residents now have the option of listening to Rap Music or a light show.

Man give me a damn break.


For Immediate Release 
Press Contact: Chinyere Tutashinda
FOX Pundits Further Tensions and Put Black Lives at Risk
September 2, 2015 -- This statement is in response to the shamefully false allegations about the Black Lives Matter Network by FOX pundits and other right-wing TV personalities. This is an official statement and should be attributed to the Black Lives Matter Network, including our 26 Chapters nationwide.
Instead of reporting the news, FOX pundits and other right-wing TV personalities are making false accusations that put Black lives at risk. Those responsible for these distortions are not actual journalists. They are TV personalities sensationalizing tragedy to further their own agenda at the cost of reason, justice, and the democratic rights of Black people everywhere to demand an end to police violence and mass incarceration.
This is a typical Right Wing reaction to the growing influence of a movement for Black lives. There is no real story here, except the same old unsavory attempt by sensationalist right wing media to delegitimize a grassroots racial justice movement that is growing in power and influence.
Don’t be fooled. We’re targeting the brutal system of policing, not individual police. The Black Lives Matter Network seeks to end the system of policing that allows for unchecked violence against black people. Right-wing portrayals of this as targeting of individual police are deliberate distortions to derail growing public debate about white supremacy, the ongoing epidemic of violence against black people, and the need to end institutionalized racism in the policing and criminal justice systems.
The Black Lives Matter Network is a love group. We seek a world in which ALL Black lives matter, and racial hierarchy no longer organizes our lives or yours. This is a vision of love. As Black survivors of White supremacy, our hearts go out to all victims of violence. We know all too well the pain and suffering of losing loved ones to interpersonal and institutional violence. That’s why we call for an immediate end to the centuries of brutality against Black people by the police and by white vigilantes. We also demand economic policies that rebuild Black families and communities destabilized by violent and regressive rules that make the 1% wealthy and impoverish or indebt the rest of us. These are demands of love.

The ‘Black Lives Matter’ Network was launched in 2013 as an online call to end unchecked police violence against Black bodies, and an offline response to a society that systemically devalues Black life.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


The journal entries you are reading were recorded on an eight day journey toward Ferguson, Mo to commemorate  the one year anniversary of Michael Brown's shooting death. We stopped at churches on the way to Ferguson and collected money for legal fees incurred by activists during months of protests.

We did not get into a hotel until 3:30am then after sleeping for eight hours it was time to start driving toward Baltimore. Driving on the road for hours on end can be mentally exhausting not to mention being in vehicles with various personalities. We drove up to the Pleasant Hope Baptist Church in Baltimore. Members of the All Roads Lead To Ferguson Tour unloaded musical equipment, then planned how to perform before the mostly white audience. Pastor Dr. Herber M. Brown III introduced Bishop Selders et al. People were still coming into the church as we prepared to sing or recite poetry.

Bishop Selders overview of why our group was journeying to Ferguson captured the attention of the audience. The performance began with song. "I Can't Breathe"  (authored by Peace Poets) dedicated to Eric Garner being choked to death in New York, was the lead song of the program. Selders led the group in a spirited rendition of "God Has Work For Us To Do" in preparation for poetry readings by Peace Poets / Trinity College students. After the program , Pastor Brown asked for financial donations for legal fees of Ferguson activists. People in the audience responded with enthusiasm. Before the event ended around 10:00pm an audience member -black female young adult- asked to recite some poetry. After her presentation the audience clapped.

Once again we loaded musical equipment into the van. Then all parties went to reserved sleeping accommodations for the night. There is one constant in our universe- driving on the road in the morning toward Pittsburg.


As Fats Waller once sang "the joint is jumping." It has been reported to DCF Plantation Blog that several weeks ago a white Youth Service Officer at Connecticut Juvenile Training School verbally assaulted an employee. What makes this incident so egregious is that the white male has a lengthy history of similar type incidents at CJTS. In the past it was reported the white male YSO wrote racial charged notes [ to people of color ] and posted them within the Unit he worked on. Also he verbally insulted male YSOs of color and tried covering it up by creating counter stories about staff mistreatment of residents. The dysfunctional management only slightly reprimanded the white male YSO for these former transgressions of racial animus toward peers of color, now Bubba is at it again.

When will management investigate this latest display of racism and create a safe working environment for all workers? Other YSOs witnessed how the white male YSO was verbally abusive toward the black female employee; management received complaints about what happened, however no investigation has been launched to ascertain what the facts are.

Oh well, life on the DCF PLANTATION is great .... unless you are an employee of color.

Sunday, August 30, 2015


On July 31, 2015 a group of people journeyed toward Ferguson, Missouri for the one year anniversary shooting death of Michael Brown. This is an account of that travel from a daily journal.

Bishop John Selders and wife Pamela organized a tour to Ferguson, Mo with four adults and ten students from Trinity College. The group departed from Hartford, Connecticut at 1:00pm for the beginning of a tour [ 8 cities in as many days ]. We will stop at churches and sing, recite poetry and collect money for #BlackLivesMatter legal fees in Ferguson. Our group arrived in Harlem, New York at Grace Congregational Church, 310 West 139th Street. We unpacked musical equipment, then carried it inside the church. Shortly thereafter people started coming into the church; a diverse crowd of young adults and middle aged. Bishop Selders started off the program singing songs, five men called Peace Poets recited stirring poetry. The church resonated with black inspired music plus spoken word poetry, while people clapped... shouted.

A Caucasian male with white hair and guitar in hand stood up to speak-it was Peter Yarro of Peter, Paul and Mary fame. Peter elaborated on being part of the Civil Rights Movement and how being with Martin Luther King et al. inspired him. After all the singing and poetry ended around 10:00pm Bishop Selders collected money for distribution in Ferguson. We departed the church and traveled to New Jersey where the group ate dinner at 11:40pm. When our group went to the hotel reserved by Bishop Selders a surprise awaited. This hotel was literally occupied outside by unsavory characters lurking in shadows. Selders tried to retrieve his money for reserved rooms but had to go through the tedious process of completing paper work, then waiting for it to meander through official channels. It was decided to seek other hotel accommodations; this proved difficult and was not successful until 3:30am. All members of the tour are tired. Gratefully everyone went to sleep in beds or sleeping bags.

We leave for Baltimore at lunch time 12:00pm.

Saturday, August 29, 2015


A year ago, our country changed. Not because a white police officer named Darren Wilson killed an unarmed 17 year old Black youth named Michael Brown, and not because of any spike in police killings of Black and Brown folks, but because young African Americans in Ferguson began protesting daily and haven’t stopped. Because social media brings national attention to deaths that before went mourned but unmarked by most media. Because, from Hartford to Ferguson, African Americans are organizing strategically and boldly to demand recognition of their humanity and dignity amidst a legacy of over 500 years of racism. 

I learned little about that history of racism as a white kid growing up in West Hartford. As a high school student at Conard in the early 90s, I didn’t think the Diversity Club was for me. It wasn’t a conscious choice; it simply wasn’t something on my radar. I didn’t need to think about race, and so I didn’t.

But my faith teaches that each and every person has inherent worth and dignity, just as your's may teach that we are all children of God, or your moral compass honors the uniqueness of each human being. Each time another young person of color is harassed or shamed or bullied or killed at the hands of police, that person’s dignity – and ours – is eroded. I have learned that we must say #BlackLivesMatter rather than #AllLivesMatter to name the reality that Black lives are systematically devalued more than White lives in our present society. #BlackLivesMatter is a reclaiming of the worth and dignity that our country strips away from Black women, men, and children, straight and queer and trans, able-bodied and disabled, rich and poor, young and old.   

The growing Movement for Black Lives gives me—a white queer parent and minister—hope and inspiration. I see powerful, loving, grounded Black leadership building throughout the country; I see other people of color standing with them; and I see powerful, loving, grounded White folks committing to say “We will show up for racial justice because this pains us too, and because we believe a more loving and peaceful world is possible.” 

I want to be part of creating that world for my three-year-old child: one where I don’t have to explain to her why I am crying over the news again and where she doesn’t have to worry about the safety of her Black friends coming home from middle school.
White folks like me must wrestle with the reality that our silence and inaction perpetuates racial inequity within the United States and the world. It is time for us to step out of silence. 

We white people have a role to play. Not a role of upstaging Black leadership, but a role in building the chorus so it is so loud and strong that it drowns out hate and amplifies the cries of Black leaders for more love, equity and justice. And that is why we are beginning a chapter of Showing Up for Racial Justice in Connecticut (See bit.ly/SURJkickoff) —to provide a space for white folks to educate ourselves and act in solidarity with the Movement for Black Lives and to create a visible presence of white folks who oppose racism in all its forms.

Three weeks ago, on the anniversary of Mike Brown’s death, hundreds of my fellow Unitarian Universalists were in Ferguson honoring Michael Brown’s life with vigils, prayer, and more protests for justice and equity. Here at home, I am putting a Black Lives Matter lawnsign in my yard, making a donation to Moral Monday CT, and preparing myself to show up at the next call for action. What will you do?

- Rev. Cathy Rion Starr is Co-Minister of the Unitarian Society of Hartford, co-founder of SURJ-CT (showingupforracialjustice.org) and one of Robin’s two Mamas. Follow her on Twitter at @rev_cathy