Wednesday, November 25, 2015


The jazz singer Nnenna Freelon sang a song called Change.. "I am changed in my passage I am changed. There's a Sun in the water I am changed. There's a Moon high above me and it lights my discovery that in my passage in the darkness I am changed. I am changed I can feel it I am changed, my soul is a mirror. I can feel it I am changed, coming through going over my heart stands like a soldier, in the passage in the darkness I am changed.... I am changed forever... I am changed...."

The recent video of police shooting a black youth down like a dog sixteen times in the streets of an urban city shocked many people. We also received descriptions of white supremacists shooting at least 5 people in Minneapolis during peaceful demonstrations over yet another black youth being shot by police. What really struck me as both curious and sad is how black people are responding to the latest episode of state sanctioned police violence. There were the usual invocations to look upon the shootings as a higher purpose to endure from God. Then in Chicago where one horrific shooting took place the Mayor of that city actually called black leaders to help keep calm in wake of the release of a video.. boy shot 16 times, and smoke rising from his body, as more bullets were pumped into this youth. To their credit some preachers and leaders said to the Mayor in Chicago "you call us now one year later on the eve of releasing this video, you did not call us before."

At what point do black people stand- up and really fight? It appears that for some reason black folk believe that these acts of violence will stop if people just keep marching or praying to some deity. At this juncture have these tactics mentioned caused any shift in the persecution or ill treatment of blacks over 400 years of living -first as slaves- in America? What then is your answer black people to my question ? If truly nothing has changed in how the oppressor interacts with black people, perhaps some change in tactics are necessary. At what point do black people stand-up and fight ? Whether blacks want to acknowledge the truth or not... it is there staring us in the face, hideous like the Gorgon Medusa. America refuses to treat her once actually enslaved people [ who are now supposedly free ] with respect. In every sphere of society there are structures and barriers in place to reinforce what the master once did openly- which is have actual dominion over black people. Now there are housing, educational, legal, political and financial barriers that keep blacks enclosed in cages like laboratory rats. Richard Lovelace poem hits the nail squarely on the head " Stone walls do not a prison make, nor iron bars a cage." Black people are in prisons called structural racism that are enforced by state sanctioned police violence. The people in Ferguson, Missouri and St. Louis understand what they are facing, and have been fighting for over one year after the police shooting of Michael Brown.

It is time to ask the question at what point do black people stand-up and really fight ?

In the history of black struggle in America all methods for liberation were implemented for survival. Now we only seek to march, pray and hope that our oppressors will change. If you think the mind set of oppression is changing just look at that black boy's body in the street being shot over and over again.

At what point do black people stand-up and fight?

At what point do black people stand-up and die for what they believe?
Until some of us are ready to enter "Beulah Land or walk in Jerusalem just like John" things will never change.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


The rumors are flowing that Connecticut Juvenile Training School Superintendent [Wild Bill ] William Rosenbeck finally came out of his office recently to mingle with staff and residents. Then it is reported that while the Hartford Courant and other media were present.. William [Wild Bill ] Rosenbeck supposedly was involved with the restraint of a resident. Say what !! First of all, Rosenbeck reportedly has not had Safe Crisis Management training that teaches restraint techniques. Second of all, it seems fishy how when the media is present the CJTS Superintendent descends god like from the clouds [ his office ] and saves the day, with some sort of restraint, and by doing this shows he is in control. Well. Let me be clear. For several years CJTS has been dysfunctional due to lack of competent management ; this carried over into revelations about how one supervisor was stopped by police in May 2015 and found DUI, with no valid license or insurance. Now we hear Rosenbeck might have been in some sort of restraint.... hmmmm !

I wonder if this was staged for media purposes ?

Sunday, November 15, 2015


The documents below are from a public newspaper and judicial website. It has been publicly revealed that the Connecticut Juvenile Training School official was detained for DUI in May 2015. Yet in spite of the arrest which includes other things, as far as I know there has been no move by CJTS Superintendent William [I did not know] Rosenbeck to discipline her for these these infractions. If this were Youth Service Officers involved in such foolishness then it certainly would bring a swift discipline of some sort from management. Well, since most of disciplinary actions at the CJTS Plantation are against employees of color, it is understandable Ramsey -as a white female- would escape any discipline.

"Kristy Ramsey, 35, of 17 Kensington Lane, Rocky Hill, was charged May 5 with driving with a suspended license, driving under the influence, failure to drive reasonable distance apart and failure to have insurance" Newington Town Crier CLICK HERE TO KEEP READING.


Tuesday, November 10, 2015


The DCF  Plantation Blog will attempt to post items this week regarding the Connecticut Juvenile Training School Supervisor seeking Adult Probation for May 2015 DUI with Suspended License. It is necessary for this blog to show the behaviors of people trusted with modeling for incarcerated CJTS residents and how white management refuses to address this issue about one of their own. The picture will show how this Supervisor might have compromised on interacting behaviors due to certain actions in the picture. Also the court document will reveal the name of this Supervisor and charges involved.

At the time these documents are posted [ hopefully this week ] we will ask the following question- how can management punish YSOs for EVERY infraction but let a SUPERVISOR and Assistant Superintendent of troubled youth / girls get away with these infractions... not be disciplined?

Sunday, November 8, 2015


The action is visible and palpable all over America... activists are saying #BlackLivesMatter. Activists are demonstrating in various ways and this has the people in positions of power nervous. The police are following me and it has to do with advocating for black liberation. In Greater Hartford, CT black SUVs with white males [ usually ] in tweed jackets and dark glasses follow me at a distance and sometimes close behind. What crime did I as a black male commit for police forces in America to monitor my movements for the last few months ? First of all, my involvement with an organization called Moral Monday CT might be the logical place to start in figuring this all out. In 2014 Bishop John Selders and wife Pamela Selders started MMCT with the idea of addressing inequality foisted on black people not only in CT but nationwide. I was at the initial meeting of that MMCT movement and pledged support to John and Pam in moving the agenda forward. We have held die-ins at Hartford City Hall, blocked major highways twice [ and been arrested ], protested inside and outside of the Hartford Police Department plus formed strategic alliances with white activists. MMCT has resisted efforts by white power brokers to engage in dialogue with us. Also when white power brokers trotted out moderate Negro leaders as "true voices of reasonable folk" we resisted these attempts and pushed our agenda. At this juncture you might guess the police and white politicians were not and are not happy with MMCT. My years as an activist in Hartford made people aware of certain strategies used in social protest. White power brokers recognize that many of MMCT social protest actions have similarities to my philosophy which is "no give, no take, no compromise, no prisoners." Guerilla type forays into white enclaves lasting only three -four minutes shouting "#BlackLivesMatter" and reading  a manifesto statement before disappearing into waiting vans [ before police can arrive ] is not what HPD forces are use to. The police actually want MMCT to inform them of our future activities. Yeah right ! Since when do you give the opponent notice of your strategy? In addition MMCT leadership is black and that is the way it is going to stay. At this juncture whites sent by power brokers to report on what MMCT is planning have been confronted and purged from the organization. When one former ally sold out to HPD for a $15,000 grant to start something between youth and police we excluded her from the MMCT equation too. In addition, blacks that love old Massa more than freedom for black folk have also been effectively excluded from MMCT. All of this has left white folk scratching their heads as to what to do. So now I am being followed by police for at least two months as part of their new intimidation tactic. In the words of those old rappers NWA "fuck the police."

Second, we must realize MMCT has been making national and international connections around the issue of fighting black oppression in America. This summer MMCT  et al., traveled to eight cities in as many days toward Ferguson, Mo for the one year anniversary of Michael Brown's shooting death. We stopped at churches, informed people about the need to donate funds to the struggle of black liberation, then continued our journey. There were churches filled with over flow crowds eager to hear what the black struggle is all about. These mostly Christian people where we stopped pledged support for the black struggle. All of this nexus with ordinary and influential members of the clergy must be worrisome to local police forces. For two weeks MMCT was on the road and in Ferguson / St. Louis Mo. Then we arrived in the town Michael Brown was shot down like a dog in and the scrutiny by police really started.

Third, MMCT arrived in Ferguson and met with dynamic leaders of the movement in that geographical location. Reverend Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou is known internationally for his leadership during the year long Ferguson uprising. I travelled with  Rev. Sekou, Dr. Cornel West and Bree Newsome [ she took down the Confederate flag from a pole outside of the South Carolina statehouse ] for almost one week. During that time period the police shadowed us constantly. When we protested outside of the Department of Justice building I was standing next to Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou and Dr.West when they jumped the police barricade and got arrested. In addition while in Ferguson / St. Louis meetings with Palestinians from overseas and having them participate in protest concerning Michael Brown probably caught the attention of police. My picture appeared on MSNBC with Bree Newsome while she spoke before one thousand people during the anniversary of Michael Brown's death. I was in the front row with Bishop Selders and Bree marching to the DOJ protest. Then after arriving back in Hartford, CT we planned and implemented social protest against black oppression.

Yes the police are following me and it has to do with advocating for black liberation. In this fight we are waged in with white power brokers, racists, state sanctioned police terror against people of color, and sold out moderate Negro leaders- there is a lot at stake. However, I am not afraid of the police and will pay whatever price necessary to achieve liberation for my people. And to be honest that is what worries the police about me.


Friday, November 6, 2015


There are documents that surfaced describing several incidents with this particular Connecticut Juvenile Training School Supervisor. In previous stories on this blog it has been described how a certain Supervisor / management person goes out after work hours with staff.. imbibing.. playing grab ass.. then coming to work the next day trying to instruct staff. We feel these actions are certainly crossing certain boundaries as it relates to the workplace. Now it has been revealed that this same CJTS Supervisor might have done other things such as on "May 5th 2015 driving with suspended license and no insurance. Also a second offense of driving under the influence [ DUI ], failure to drive reasonable distance." These things are matters of public record and therefore subject to scrutiny. In the past few months lawmakers and CJTS management have focused on the Youth Services Officers as villains for supposedly improper restraint of residents. When right under the noses of all of these Sherlock Holmes type investigators, there is this CJTS Supervisor driving without proper license, drinking then coming to work for what purpose ? How can this Supervisor instruct residents on life skills when after work these things are happening ? The question that must be asked is this... how is this Supervisor getting to and from work? It seems as if the Supervisor does not have proper driving credentials. While investigations go on about YSOs, management at CJTS looks the other way when this Supervisor is taken into custody for numerous safety violations... while under the influence of alcohol. These documents seen by this blog writer also reveal the Supervisor is awaiting disposition in Adult Probation Court 6/30/16.

So does this mean that the CJTS Supervisor will continue to be ignored by white management for breaking the law? Is there no just discipline for someone who drinks, drives with suspended license, then is seen in pictures at events possibly intoxicated and bent over like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. There has to be some justice in the universe, will this offense go unpunished and the Supervisor continue to drive around while singing the song "one Bourbon, one Scotch, one beer."

When will CJTS Superintendent  William Rosenbeck come out of his somnolent state and recognize what is going on with this particular management person ? We see Rosenbeck finally came out of his head in the ground approach when it was time to throw the YSOs under the bus, during legislative hearings into possible mistreatment of residents. We know Rosenbeck et al., were up in arms [ like villagers in old Frankenstein movies storming the mad professor's castle...] when it was time to sacrifice the black male YSO Dupree for some incident with residents. Yet when it comes to dealing with another management person for DUI and driving without a legal license, then Rosenbeck suddenly loses his voice. Such is life on the DCF Plantation.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


The Connecticut Juvenile Training School often has trainings at a facility in Manchester for staff and management. The facility that CJTS members go to has video games plus bar combined. This writer has email sources that report more than just trainings occur at this facility. The agenda reads these trainings at  are over at 4:00pm,  but by 3:00pm CJTS management is at the bar drinking liquor or alcoholic beverages. Say What? This is interesting in light of the fact documents read how one CJTS Supervisor / manager is currently seeking probation for driving under the influence of alcohol [ DUI ]. A recent document surfaced describing how this CJTS manager is seeking accelerated probation for the drinking charge in court; sure sets a bad example for residents at that facility. Now to make matters even worse, Supervisors go out after work hours to party, while pictures show people in positions of influence at CJTS Plantation with glassy eyes, and hands placed on the buttocks of other management types. If residents and staff at CJTS are held to high standards how on earth can this Supervisor be charged with DUI and still keep a job?

There are pictures being circulated depicting CJTS managers and Supervisors drinking to excess and with their hands on the buttocks of other managers. This type of behavior only illustrates lack of boundaries and staff. How will managers be able to give directives to staff after drinking with them while playing grab ass ? Who has the courage to post those pictures?

The Youth Service Officers at CJTS are good at "talking loud but saying nothing." This phrase would explain how all over that campus talk about the manager charged with DUI is going subject of conversation. However the lack of courage stops YSOs from bringing such an issue to public forums with management. Now you know why YSOs are treated with disrespect by management, they [ YSOs ] have no heart.

Monday, November 2, 2015


While a student at Lincoln Christian College in Lincoln, Illinois excellent Professors taught about many things i.e. philosophy, history, and of course the Bible and God. I listened intently as Professors Strauss, Clymer, Sackett, McNeely, Mrs Shaw, et al., taught that God was and is present in history. There are two types of revelation the teachers said (1) General Revelation in which the "heavens declare the glory of God ; the skies proclaim the work of his hands" and that includes what we see and experience, (2) Special Revelation ..."the dramatic news that God has acted in history.. through the incarnate person and work of Christ [ Hebrews 1:2 ] "in the past God spoke to us through the prophets...many times and in various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us by his Son."  Ergo, in my mind the term revelation has to do with something being disclosed.. opened up, or rolled out. Now this brings me to the following dilemma ; what is going on with God as it relates to the current segment of the black struggle in America ?

For the last three plus years in America black people and their white allies have struggled against police sanctioned violence and terror. Several highly publicized incidents of black women and men being killed by white police officers caused street protests, movements such as #blacklivesmatter to form, resurgence of old forms of protest i.e. The New Black Panther Party etc. In all of the existential angst by black people against oppression in America : WE MUST KNOW WHERE GOD IS AND WHAT HE IS DOING IN THE REVOLUTION. At this juncture the police forces in this country are cracking down on movements by black people and their allies; proclamations of black lives matter are drowned out by white reactionaries hollering all lives matter. The people in Ferguson / St. Louis, Mo have waged battles with police for over one year... being tear gassed, shot at with rubber bullets, facing armored vehicles or tanks. In all of this fervor by the oppressed to gain egalitarian rights, black people have not seen or felt the manifestation of this God whom they have embraced fervently since arriving as slaves in America over 400 years ago. We go to houses of worship on Sunday, give a tenth of earnings to a deity the preachers shout about as "having risen from the dead after three days" and gives us rewards in the next life-when we are dead. Well, instead of getting some reward after death, can black folk get a little help down here on earth fighting the oppressor ?

If blacks continue to pledge allegiance to some deity called God, then it is only fitting to inquire about some assistance in our time of need in this revolutionary struggle, that in reality is a struggle to the death. After over 400 years of social control to subjugate black people the oppressor will not let us go. There are still barriers placed in front of and behind black folk that need dismantling. It is clear that in such a titanic battle for survival help is needed from every source possible, yes  including divine intervention. However, blacks have called out to this God they worship and still no answer : there is no pillar of cloud by day to lead us out of the hands of the oppressor, nor pillar of fire at night to guide besieged revolutionary forces to victory. There is only silence. In the vastness of this Cosmos- where is the divine revelation and help for black people? I journeyed to Ferguson, Mo for the one year anniversary of Michael Brown being shot and killed by police. The law enforcement officers treated all revolutionary forces black and white with the same disrespect. When once again people were being mistreated, when tear gas flowed, when truncheons were used to crack protestors over their heads : WE MUST KNOW WHERE GOD IS AND WHAT HE IS DOING IN THE REVOLUTION.

When Rome was a suckling, when Greece was young,
Then there were Gods fit to be sung,
Who paid the loyal devotee
For service rendered zealously,

In coin a man might feel and spend,
Not marked Deferred to Journey's End,
The servant then was worth his hire;
He went unscathed through flood and fire;
Gods were a thing then to admire.

"Bow down and worship us" they said.
You shall be clothed, be housed and fed,
While yet you live, not when you're dead.
---Countee Cullen
     The Black Christ