Tuesday, February 23, 2016


When February comes around people begin preparations for Black History Month celebrations. There are songs, poetry readings, guest speakers and events all over Connecticut. However within the Department of Children and Families there are Negroes who willing do the work of helping oppress employees of color. Take for example the Negro at Office of Labor relations who is trotted out whenever there are disciplinary or arbitration cases needing to be defended by DCF. This Negro sits on the side of the oppressor while trying to prove DCF is correct in handing out punishment against some employee of color. It is reported that this same Negro is always utilized for the benefit of an apartheid  hierarchy within DCF Hudson Street office.

Next it is reported DCF has several high placed Negroes at the Hudson Street headquarters who sell out their people. Sources report a black female with a firm grasp on the English language is trotted out during legal proceeding. She sits with designed eyeglasses on and speaks to the employee of color under investigation for some charge while white management looks on and takes copious notes. She is paid handsomely for her betrayal. Then there is the story of a black male elevated to management status at Hudson street who acts like a parrot for the commissioner. When they are out in public and the commissioner is asked questions about racial matters within DCF, the elevated Negro comes to the commissioner's defense. Community leaders are complaining how this male elevated Negro once walked among black people in Hartford and was respected by them, now he seems to have drank the Kool-Aid of being part of the white gate masters machine, and speaks like a parrot for the commissioner of DCF.

Blake and Torres are two Youth Service Officers that work at the Connecticut Juvenile Training School plantation. It is reported that both of these men were and are still injured due to an attack by an incarcerated resident. This same resident has continually assaulted employees while chanting " you folks cannot do anything to me." These words are being uttered by this resident because Key Stone Cops management at CJTS are now afraid to discipline residents and instruct employees to decrease restraints. CJTS management are dysfunctional in good times and now are scared since intense media attention about the facility. YSOs were blamed for using harsh restraints and management used YSOs as scapegoats.. throwing them under the bus. Since CT lawmakers tried to close CJTS there is a feeling of impending doom hovering over the facility like storm clouds. And since management is now treading on egg shells, the YSOs have been instructed not to discipline residents or restrain them when it is needed. Ergo, Blake and Torres go to answer an assistance call on Unit 6D and cannot effectively use restraint tactics on the out of control resident. This means half hearted measures were implemented and Blake / Torres are now injured.

Sunday, February 21, 2016


The words sang by Fats Waller years ago ring true at Connecticut Juvenile Training School "the joint is jumping." It has been reported to DCF Plantation blog that several weeks ago an incident involving a restraint gone bad happened in building six. The story reported to this writer goes like this. A supervisor walked into building six and was told by an incarcerated youth "do not come near me." This same youth had previously been restrained by the supervisor and claimed excessive force was used. After telling the supervisor not to come near him, something occurred that is raising eyebrows among Youth Service Officers at CJTS. For reasons yet unexplained the supervisor grabbed the youth by his neck, picked him of the ground, then held him against the wall. Sources report all this WWE Smack Down type action by the supervisor is recorded on camera by management. However it is not known whether any discipline was meted out to the supervisor for improper use of this throat hold technique. Now the supervisor is sitting in the operations office and given more responsibility than running a Unit in building # 6.

Let us return to a scenario from years ago. YSOs Kevin Strachen and Scott Beck were involved in restraints of residents and supposedly used improper techniques. It is alleged the resident in question years ago was choked by Strachen. Well, management in their wisdom gave Strachen 30 days off without pay. Now years later we have something caught on camera by someone in a position of authority but nothing -up to this point- has been done in terms of discipline toward the supervisor. Is it possible that management has one standard for supervisors and another for YSOs? This writer might also add that the supervisor accused of implementing the throat hold has been in dire circumstances at CJTS before and given another chance to redeem himself. However YSOs Strachen and Beck were hounded and vilified by management about their restraint.

Ping Pong Paddle Attack.
Sources report that on Unit 5C an attack by a resident on YSOs took place. Such incidents happen frequently on the CJTS Plantation and are part of the culture. In this case though sources inside CJTS say perhaps the assaults could have been prevented if management did not act like Key Stone Cops with different orders shouted in all directions. It is reported that the resident on Unit 5C did not comply with staff directives, words were exchanged and the resident went into his room with ping pong paddles. One management person ordered staff to go into the resident's room with a mattress in front in order to prevent injury to them. Another management said no use impact cushions instead of mattress. When YSOs used the impact cushions the resident injured them with ping pong paddles, now YSOs are out on Workers Compensation because of injury. "Now you have the rest of the story."

Monday, February 8, 2016


There are people working at Connecticut Juvenile Training School and in the community wondering about sudden concern about that facility possibly closing. Harsh criticism by lawmakers and Child Advocates Office in 2015 made CJTS  look bad. The letter written and printed by the Hartford Courant newspaper detailed how CJTS school system is making a difference in the lives of incarcerated residents. However there are several things that need to be pointed out from this writer's perspective. First, reliable sources report how many of the students in CJTS's school system make little progress and "Johnny still can't read" once they depart that facility. Indeed -according to sources- many of the residents in school enter unable to read or write, then leave the same way. Second, now it seems the teachers at this school are speaking out about not closing the facility and for other than  noble reasons, they do not want to lose their jobs. People might reply this is harsh criticism of employees writing in support of CJTS remaining open. Yes it is harsh because there were other times at CJTS when white management treated employees of color in horrible fashion- disproportionate disciplines and terminations, allowing right wing workers to single out blacks for ill treatment, white female Youth Service Officers calling residents of color "porch monkeys", not to mention management placing higher scrutiny on black workers. Where were the letters to advocate on behalf of injustice run amok at the CJTS Plantation ?

How can you write eloquently about keeping open CJTS for " those unfortunate residents" in order to educate them, when statistics point out [ sources say ] those same residents ( mostly of color ) do not perform any better in reading or writing? Again it must be highlighted how when  employees tried to enlist the aid of these teachers in fighting racism against black Youth Service Officers no such letters were forthcoming !! On the contrary teachers retreated into their shell and remained silent. When the DCF Plantation 5 launched their lawsuit against CJTS those teachers kept their heads in the sand, doing a good ostrich imitation. When petitions were passed around by CJTS members of the DCF Plantation 5 to point out racism, some employees signed this petition but the teachers ignored it. Let me be clear. It is often ignored but must be stated that in most cases when people of color fight for freedom, whites stand on the sidelines and look. What the hell, it is not white life being marginalized or objectified, so why should whites care ! Historically whites care about injustices toward blacks in America when somehow the racism MIGHT touch the white body politic.

At CJTS for years white teachers at school looked the other way as adult co-workers withered under the white hot glare of that racist spotlight from management. Now these teachers are all distraught over keeping residents in school and the facility open. Give me a damn break.

A letter was published asking for CJTS not to close but no letter about mistreatment or injustices against blacks, with friends like this who needs enemies.