Friday, June 23, 2017


While this writer was wandering around in a Hartford supermarket several Connecticut Juvenile Training School Youth Service Officers approached. The YSOs told a familiar story of how the superintendents at CJTS are covering up for abuse of Workers Compensation. Now it is true that WC is high at CJTS Plantation and something needs to be done to curtail the financial drain on State of Connecticut monetary coffers. However CJTS management are pointing to YSOs as the main culprits in this apparent fraud, when in actuality it is management solely responsible for high rates of being absent. At this writing sources claim at least fifteen Assistant Unit Leaders are out on WC. There are no AULs covering some Units at CJTS. Yet the mantra of CJTS KeyStone Cops management is "tell YSOs to come to work."

How can YSOs come to work when tired and emotionally drained? Let me be clear. At this juncture YSOs are being forced by management to work double or triple shifts. KeyStone Cops management explain how state layoffs are causing shortages of staff, ergo it is necessary to mandate the working of two-three shifts. So it sounds as if 16-20 hour shifts are mandatory. Then YSOs go home and return to work the next day. It is reported how forced to work employees shuffle around CJTS like "the night of the living dead." Their vacant eyes see nothing, their reflexes are slow as molasses, record keeping non existent due to lack of concentration. It goes without saying that working all those hours create an unsafe environment for staff and residents.

News Flash !!  Keystone Cops management at CJTS are incompetent and have run the facility into the ground. Scandal, after scandal rock the facility and racism reigns supreme among a white elitist hierarchy determined to remain in power. White men ruling a facility of incarcerated brown and black residents. Yes these same white supervisors in command of CJTS, use residents of color as commodities, in order to acquire federal monies and certain grants. In this manner white power brokers use the money earned in bloated salaries to make certain their kids get quality educations, vacations take place, and mortgages are paid. What about the residents of color and employees. To be honest about it, management does not really care.

Sunday, June 18, 2017


The DCF Plantation blog published a story recently about how a resident with a leg cast was living in squalor in his room at Connecticut Juvenile Training School. This black male resident lives on Unit 5 B and did not get placed in the CJTS infirmary for reasons that escape this writer. However after the story came out about the filthy conditions in the room, lo and behold the resident's room suddenly got power cleaned with some machine. Will wonders never cease ! This writer will argue how the real issue is CJTS dysfunctional KeyStone Cops management of that facility. It boggles the imagination how the two men running that facility manage to keep their jobs. So many issues have arisen at CJTS over the years, and it is due to inept  handling of employees, overtime, and endemic racism from white apartheid management. Now the latest fiasco entails a youth of color being allowed to live in third world squalor due to an injury that limits his movements. It took someone writing about the Unit 5B atrocity in order for the room to be cleaned.

Then it is reported the youth underwent another surgery two days ago but is still not in the infirmary.

Monday, June 12, 2017


The reliable sources within the Department of Children and Connecticut Juvenile Training School are talking to this writer about a situation concerning another human being. I have been told the story about a male CJTS resident living in deplorable conditions on Unit 5B. This male resident has a cast on his leg and cannot move around well. Meals are brought to his room. He sits in the Unit 5B dayroom for hours. To quote a Youth Service Officer "the room smells and garbage strewn on floor. That room is not fit for dogs." Why then is a human being living in the room? Well since the State of Connecticut is closing down CJTS slowly, overtime payment are frowned upon. Ergo, it is easy to somehow or another justify not paying an employee to watch this resident in the infirmary. Yes, the resident needs to be in a hospital type setting. Finances might be one reason for the squalor this resident is living in on Unit 5B. .

Another way of viewing why the resident is living with little regard for his care might be found in his race. The youth on 5B is black. CJTS management does not have a stellar record when it comes to handling people of color, whether employees or residents. Take for example how a white youth with an injury living on the former Unit of 5D was treated. The white youth was living in the infirmary with a YSO to attend his needs. Also the white youth had parental advocates while the black youth does not. Let me be clear. Several years ago the cry for fair and humane treatment for CJTS residents went forth like mighty trumpet blasts. The Child Advocate, CT lawmakers, disgruntled YSO right winger whistle blowers, etc called for justice concerning youth restraints. To make matters worse, YSO Dupree became the poster child of restraints, loss his job. He fought and got the job back, but my point is no expense was spared in denouncing a muscular black man over allegations of harming youth. Dupree suffered public humiliation over a witch hunt at CJJTS.

Now there is a black resident on Unit 5B injured and wearing a leg cast. He lives in deplorable conditions inside a room. There are no hues or cries about his humanity. The writer of this blog has to wonder if Key Stone Cops management at CJTS placed saving overtime money in front of caring for the resident. Then just maybe being black and without parental advocates is hindering the resident being admitted to the infirmary.

One thing is known for certain, the white boy who had a similar injury while living on the former Unit 5D went to the infirmary-with overtime YSOs to help.

Friday, June 2, 2017


It is rumored that  a 20 year plus employee at Connecticut Juvenile Training School is returning to work June 3, 2017. Now the fact that any employee returning to work after medical leave is no big deal. However Linette Gaunichaux is no ordinary woman. Linette is a strong black woman determined to make sure  CJTS administration treats all employees-white, black, Hispanic- with fairness. To be sure Ms G. as she is called by friend and foe, has been critical of biased policies of CJTS over the years, and as chief Union Steward, has filed grievances and a class action lawsuit against unfair practices such as racism... and hostile workplace environment.

You can rest assured CJTS management and the good ol' boys that run CJTS will not be happy about Ms G. coming back to work.

Let us hope Ms G. will continuing kick some sparks out of the asses of those dysfunctional managers on the plantation.