Sunday, June 29, 2014


The voice displayed only a mild tremor when discussing working conditions at Department of Children and Families office on Hamilton Street in Hartford, Connecticut. He [wishes to remain anonymous] talked for almost one hour about how a white led management is using various techniques to squeeze every ounce of work from all employees. For example if a clinical worker does not keep at least an 85% case load rating then that person gets a failing grade from DCF. When pressed for more details the worker replied how management wants a full case load of at least 25 people for DCF workers. This means maintaining 90% or higher rating and working non stop. You do not have a personal life outside of DCF, for time is directed toward not making mistakes that drop your case load rating. The person explained how putting together treatment plans for clients can be dangerous [if not approved]. Such an error automatically drops that case worker to lower status levels. In addition it was reported to this blog how at staff meetings performance ratings are placed on a large screen for all to see [causing added stress for people named as failing].

Then the case worker reported how disproportionate disciplinary actions are aimed toward black men at DCF Hamilton Street plantation. It is hard to work with families of color in the community providing services when there is a paucity of black men. This – the case worker states- tends to diminish black men especially in the impressionable eyes of children. It also reinforces stereotypes of black men not being productive in workplace settings. According to the case worker in this story mostly females visit homes in service delivery, and most of these are white. In addition black men are not in the process for promotion at Hamilton Street plantation. Most of the Program Managers are women and one black man recently had his application for promotion rejected.

This staff writer felt the conversation was winding down and asked if there were any more details needed for the story. The case worker at Hamilton Street decided the conversation needed to end. We promptly ended our dialogue.

In conclusion there are one million stories on the DCF plantation. You have just read one of them.

Every truth passes through three stages before it is recognized.
* it is ridiculed
* It is opposed
* It is regarded as self evident
--attributed to German Philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer ( 1788-1860)

Thursday, June 26, 2014


On June 24, 2014 Youth Services Officers et al. met with Department of Children and Families Commissioner Joette Katz at Connecticut Juvenile Training School. From what is reported to this blog a number of things were discussed during the get together. The meeting began when a Union Steward offered introductory remarks. Yet before any front line staff spoke a member of administrative staff offered comments. What amazes some people is why YSOs had to wait for an open part of the meeting to offer their perspective on why a signed petition / letter of grievances were presented to Katz in the first place. Just to let readers know, YSOs were not originally slated to speak.

Sources report how people raised two issues that were not addressed fully or ignored. A female YSO stood up and said to Katz “how can you expect us to do our jobs when we have co-workers that are not here. We need those two back and working. Marcos Martinez and Cornell Lewis have been out due to disciplinary action.” Katz replied “we are seeking to resolve these matters quickly as possible.” For those of you that might not know the story, both YSOs mentioned above are out of work due to disciplinary actions (almost two years). Cornell is the target of DCF workplace bullying and has been singled out for speaking against DCF structural racism. Martinez worked with Cornell the day an incident involving youth occurred and therefore got caught in a web of racist retaliation aimed at Cornell. DCF is not seeking to “resolve matters as quickly as possible” [with respect to Martinez and Cornell] the game plan is to punish Cornell for not staying in his place. A larger issue should revolve around how DCF / CJTS plantations consistently target men of color for harsher disciplinary measures. Well at least the female YSO broached the subject.

Then another female YSO talked about how double standards exist at CJTS depending on ethnicity and race. It was said to Katz “there are double standards existing at CJTS. Men of color are disciplined more severely than white employees. Why it is a white employee can hit a resident then not be fired? Yet two employees of color are out work for a lesser infraction.” Sources wishing to remain anonymous report Katz et al. did not answer the question directly, then moved on to another topic [does not sound like a receptive leader to me]. For the next ninety minutes others questions were aimed at DCF leaders but none had significance like the two above. Those two female YSOs wanted to broach subjects on the minds of co-workers only to be given verbal tap dancing lessons and a smile.

In conclusion it must be stated that YSOs are making strides in self expression before their oppressors. Sadly however, those doing the listening only pick and chose what to address.

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Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Joette Katz, Department of Children and Families Commissioner, met with staff June 24 at Connecticut Juvenile Training School. The original plan called for meeting with Youth Service Officers but the agenda was hijacked and others slithered in to steal the glory. In the South there is a saying “a man can’t sit and eat at a table he did not set.” Yet that is exactly what occurred at CJTS; an agenda was crafted by a cabal [conspiratorial group] away from prying eyes, YSOs had no knowledge of who would speak until the last moment. Then around 2pm [one hour before Katz arrived] three people decided who would speak and what the agenda would consist of. Now in all fairness some people worked hard getting signatures for the letter and petition that was the impetus for Katz coming. However after the train left the station, others jumped on without buying a ticket [they saw an opportunity to present a different agenda for management]. At some point a decision was made to open the meeting for YSOs to speak their mind, after obstructionists went into the hen house and stole all the eggs [i.e. cheated YSOs of their glory].

One day after the betrayal some YSOs are complaining to this blog how disillusioned employees are that a lack of unity allowed such shenanigans to take place: loyalty is a thing of the past while personal gain is paramount is this scenario. One day after the betrayal nefarious forces at CJTS seek to shift the blame to other people for YSOs being stabbed in the back. In the past such a strategy might have worked, but one day after the betrayal employees might not be so easily fooled. Who will those who put the agenda together blame for meeting in secret and not telling YSOs about inserting others to speak? Who can explain to YSOs [day of Katz meeting] standing at the CJTS clock tower why the agenda changed suddenly, and they did not know it? My Lord, a few misguided souls are seeking to blame this blog for “causing division among CJTS employees” over what happened one day after the betrayal. One thing is certainly clear now; management had a plan in motion to water down YSOs concerns to Katz. There was no mention of the racial animus on CJTS campus. How did the agenda fail to mention Superintendent Rosenbeck’s callous disregard for employee concerns that ignited this outcry for a meeting with Katz in the first place.

Shifting the blame is an old trick used by pickpockets on public transportation. If a pickpocket is caught with his/ her hand in a back pocket or purse they look at the victim and holler “thief.” Then all eyes are on the person who is being victimized not the person actually stealing. Therefore at CJTS – one day after the betrayal- a hue and cry goes out against so called disruptors of employee unity. Man give me a damn break. The smoke is clearing up from the debacle on June 24th and people are seeing correctly what happened … who caused it. No staff writers of this blog caused the agenda to change [the usual suspects] but those co-workers that lied and tried to do it with a straight face are to blame.

This staff writer congratulates YSOs for standing up like adults and finally fighting back. Now there is more work to do in pin pointing exactly why the correct agenda did not get presented and culprits behind it all.

One day after the betrayal all that shines is not gold.

Yet when we achieved and the new world dawned,
The old men came out again and took our victory,
To remake in the likeness of the former world they knew.
- T.E. Lawrence

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Monday, June 23, 2014


A meeting is scheduled for June 24, 2014 with Youth Services Officers at Connecticut Juvenile Training School and Department of Children and Families Commissioner Joette Katz. The YSOs signed a letter / petition with grievances and sent it to Katz. However now the DCF Plantation blog has learned that the agenda has been hijacked, YSOs are not scheduled to speak but administrative staff and Union Stewards are. There is treason in the ranks. What happened to the concept of speaking for the Union employees and their grievances? There is treason in the ranks.

Changes to the agenda for this meeting with Katz were changed at the last moment so that YSOs could not have time to formulate an opinion or oppose it. From what sources indicate, someone from Operations Staff is scheduled to speak tomorrow but not YSOs. Now this blog only can speak to the information provided by anonymous sources, management refuses to comment. However if any part of this story is true then that means Union employees were betrayed by people they trusted. There are huge stakes being played out on the CJTS plantation and it seems as if bought off plantation workers are helping management kill the dreams of YSOs.
In America when a slave rebellion was betrayed the informer received a biscuit and piece of chicken.
There is treason in the ranks.

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Saturday, June 21, 2014


Finally the Youth Services Officers at Connecticut Juvenile Training School are fighting back. For years the Key Stone Cops administration at CJTS have been abusing their power by issuing harsher disciplinary measures for YSOs of color, allowing right wing employees to harass certain ethnic groups. It is also known that management condoned the double standard of letting certain Unit Leaders take inordinate amounts of time off while disciplining YSOs for taking  off work for legitimate reasons. Now all of this turmoil at CJTS plantation is turning into a bit of trouble for management to handle.

YSOs are now organizing against management and seeking to make it known ‘business as usual’ is not going to continue. A letter / petition was signed by quite a few YSOs and sent to state officials highlighting concerns from besieged employees. Next week Department of Children and Families Commissioner Joette Katz is scheduled to meet with agitated employees at CJTS plantation. Well hip hip hooray, another meeting from officials that will solve nothing. At this juncture management is trying to stop the momentum of employees by any means possible. Take the case of CJTS Superintendent William Rosenbeck asking to meet with employees in order to address their concerns. The only reason Rosenbeck tried such a ploy is because he realizes “the natives [employees] are restless” and this reflects badly on him. There were chances five years ago for Rosenbeck to be proactive in addressing employee concerns when former employee Cornell Lewis et al. pointed out racial animus on campus. However white management did everything possible to ignore Cornell and this action ultimately caused a lawsuit in 2010 by five employees. Of course true to the script management fired Cornell on a trumped up charge, and then breathed a sigh of relief. But the momentum almost five years later is with other YSOs who finally organized and are leading the charge.

Also management seeks to stop the momentum of employees by spreading disinformation to employees in order to confuse the people into focusing on non important matters. Linette Gaunichaux is a Unit Leader of impecciable standards at CJTS—for over 20 years. She is also a Union Steward who constantly holds management’s feet to the fire over issues and makes sure justice is served during grievance procedures. Needless to say white management has a problem with Linette, she is a strong black woman, and knows union articles in the handbook. White management tried to encourage a recently reinstated right wing employee to accuse Linetee of leaking CJTS information [incidents, reprimands, emails etc] to DCF Plantation blog staff writers. By using such underhanded methods Rosenbeck’s Key Stone Cops management team hoped to stir up racial animus toward Linette and divert employees from real issues. Let me be clear. The DCF Plantation blog gets information from dozens of sources through e-mail and other methods. By using Linette as a red herring management has mildly succeeded in momentarily inciting old hatreds aimed at a strong black woman. It is known CJTS management covertly campaigned against Linette being voted in as a Union Steward. Let this staff writer state Linetee does not provide information to DCF Plantation blog. Another method to stop employee momentum from swelling into an uprising is manipulation of incarcerated residents by a certain YSO. Sources reveal how a certain YSO has been whispering to residents about their rights and how to uphold them. On the surface this sounds commendable, but under the surface a sinister plan is being hatched. The YSO in question is asking residents if certain employees are treating them respectfully; the ploy is to get complaints, then help residents write grievances. The catch is that all the YSOS mentioned to residents by the [covert acting] YSO are so called leaders of the latest wave of discontent. In other words management is using this particular YSO to purposely manipulate residents into targeting people management wants to silence - as leaders of the petition / letter movement. Good lawdy Ms Claudy, management is pulling out all the tricknology in trying to quell YSOs momentum on the CJTS plantation. Like the cartoon character Felix the Cat, management has “a bag of tricks” that they open and are using vigorously against employees exercising their First Amendment Rights.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014


The DCF Plantation blog posted a story not long ago titled “Going After Ray Monterio Through his Son.” In the story DCF Plantation blog writers pointed out that an investigation of Youth Service Officer Barray Monterio at Connecticut Juvenile Training School was really a Trojan Horse decoy and the real target was his father Ray. Staff writers for DCF Plantation explained how CJTS white management devised nefarious plans to discredit Ray due to his compassion / advocacy for incarcerated residents at that facility. The investigation began when a co-worker pointed out how YSO Barray did not seem attentive during a shift. Other administrative personnel were called in to confirm the accuser’s narrative, and from that time on the stench of a false accusation hung in the air like three day old soiled baby diapers. To some YSOs it appeared as if the real target of malice was not Barray but his father Ray.

On April 10, 2014 DCF Plantation blog requested through the Freedom of Information Act, copies of all investigations and outcomes pertaining to employee Barray Monterio. Since April 2014 DCF Plantation blog has been told the investigation was not completed and therefore no documents are available. However two-- three weeks ago this blog received information the process of investigation had been completed, yet the Department of Children and Families did not send any documents to DCF Plantation blog. Now that the investigation is complete, an e-mail received June 17, 2014 from DCF legal Dept. makes it clear disciplinary measures are on the way.

Now the emphasis is no longer on the Barray investigation being completed but according to the e-mail “ the case is in the disciplinary process.” Say that again? At this juncture no administrative person has said publicly what the hell Barray is guilty of ; perhaps this is some phantasmagoria lingering in the brains of white administrators toward an employee who had allegations made against him. Administrators have made a leap from allegations to a “ case being in the disciplinary process.” Reliable sources speaking to this blog report Barray is being offered some kind of deal or stipulation to end the investigation. It seems that at least Barray can be made aware of the outcome of this process in which he has been [ evidently ] found guilty – of something mystical. Shakespeare wrote something that fits exactly what is happening to Barray,

  “ But the times are cruel when we are accused
  Of being traitors without knowing our treason;
 When we believe every frightening rumor
  Based only on what we fear might be true……”
Macbeth Act IV, Scene 2

A man is accused of something at CJTS that would make Sherlock Holmes confused; to make matters worse management is trying to strong arm Barray into taking a penalty then release their findings, and this stinks to high heaven.

Sent to on June 17, 2014
Hi Mr. Lewis.  The case is in the disciplinary process and I have been told it should be available to you in two weeks.
Thomas De Matteo
Assistant Agency Legal Director
Department of Children and Families


Sunday, June 15, 2014


Well hear we go again folks. The DCF Plantation blog received information  (not confirmed by management) that a meeting between Youth Service Officers at Connecticut Juvenile Training School / Joette Katz     [Commissioner, Department of Children and Families] has been cancelled. If this information is true it boggles the imagination of any rational thinking person, workers at CJTS have complained about low morale and unfair management practices. Most recently YSOs sent a letter to Katz et al. about worker discontent and the need to correct specific problems. Now rumors circulate that a meeting with the person overseeing CJTS is cancelled; seems as if nobody is listening to the employees.

Friday, June 13, 2014


In recent weeks, an elected Police Commissioner in a northern New England town with a 99% white population made hate-filled derogatory racial references to President Obama, and poet/actress/activist Maya Angelou died, leaving behind inspiring, uplifting and yet pointed writings and taped interviews.
In New Hampshire, outraged by the brazen disrespect toward the president and – by direct extension – all persons of color who don’t “act right”, many white people of good will put their reactions into action, standing up, speaking out , keeping the pressure on until the Police Commissioner had no way out but out. Many other white people (and possibly some people of color as well) merely shrugged the situation off as the ramblings of some old guy, set in his ways, whose opinions don’t really matter. A more lunatic fringe saw fit to level their own nasty tirades and even (anonymous) death threats against the righteous folks.
Juxtaposed to this, as word spread of Maya Angelou’s passing, everyone jumped into action to pay tribute to her strength, clarity and unwavering courage to tell the truth. Network TV, veteran show hosts such as Charlie Rose and Tavis Smiley and all manner of ordinary folks with access to the internet posted her poetry, ran archival interviews and generally paid homage to her impact on the country and its conscience. Dr. Angelou’s unfailingly positive, forward-looking yet uncompromising words were hailed by many as though they had always led the way for an admiring nation. Had this been true, of course, she hardly could have written the words,
You may write me down in history
                With your bitter, twisted lies,
                 You may tread me in the very dirt
                  But still, like dust … I rise.
In 2010, a group of five employees of the Connecticut Juvenile Training School (CJTS) launched a class action suit against CJTS and DCF, claiming racial discrimination in the workplace. Chief among the complaints was a pattern of more frequent disciplinary actions against employees of color compared to white. As part of that pattern, actual “consequences” (punishment) for equivalent workplace infractions were more serious for employees of color. The plaintiffs and their parties had the stats to back them up, as well as staffing demographics that showed a marked drop in racial diversity above the frontline supervisor level.
Four years later, one of the five plaintiffs is fighting his subsequent termination (see “pattern” above), one opted to retire rather than be fired, and the remaining three continue to labor at CJTS under the managerial microscope used for “troublemakers”. The class action lawsuit has been amended to include “hostile work environment”. This blog contains a running history of the struggles of five employees known as The DCF Plantation Five.
What connects these three seemingly separate stories? First – the inherent risks – and eventual reward, or at least satisfaction – of speaking out against societal wrongs, in these cases, racism. Dr. Angelou joined the civil rights protests, working closely with both Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., experiencing the danger up close as each was assassinated. She did not fade away, and as a shocked nation finally faced the truth of its ugliness, she joined others who were finally recognized as beacons of that truth. The residents of the northern New Hampshire resort town did not have to go public with their disapproval, but chose to shine a light on that dark corner, despite ridicule and threats by ignorant neighbors and against the initial stonewalling of town leaders. Seeing their determination, more townspeople stood up to swell the ranks of those calling for the Police Commissioner’s resignation, sticking their collection foot in the door till he walked out through it.
It is said that today’s version of racism is institutional, built into the daily fabric of our lives and difficult to both perceive and root out. But when a small, courageous group of employees can stand up and repeatedly point out the pattern of workplace wrongs, and when their ranks begin to swell as those complaints are met with silence and token actions that attempt to camouflage official inaction, it is incumbent on the rest of us to take notice and demand that the problems be fixed. Today DCF is led by an imperious former judge who does not think her decisions are subject to dispute. She appears to have the support of the Governor.
This is an election year, with some stiff competition. There is a good chance that both the Governor and many of the current commissioners will be replaced next year. Regardless, the injustice within DCF will not change without relentless pressure from the outside. This is the best way to amplify the message of current and former employees who cannot afford to let the struggle fade away into hopeless resignation. I do not have firsthand experience with the racism within DCF, but I can be a “witness” and a buffer against the extreme risks being taken by those who speak truth to power, especially in today’s economy where any sense of job security is illusory. It starts with truly believing the stories and statistics and then helping to hoist the floodlights of public attention that might finally force the ugliness of racial discrimination into the daylight where it will shrivel up and slink away.

Nancy Bowden
Bloomfield, CT
Occupy Hartford Activist

Monday, June 9, 2014


The lack of leadership at Connecticut Juvenile Training School has become a health and safety issue for residents – employees. When there are gaps in CJTS working schedule management must fill them; YSOS might be called upon to work overtime for the good of the facility [ called being forced ]. Rumors are spreading that over the weekend at least seven YSOs worked their regular 8 hour shift, then two more shifts. All of this occurred due to gaps in the scheduling process or people not coming to work. What intrigues this staff writer is how personal safety is compromised due to being overworked. Being responsible for incarcerated residents at CJTS is a burden that would try the patience of Biblical character Job. When you do not have enough sleep, reflexes or thought process are not sharp. However CJTS management not only put these forced workers at risk but residents too. Let me be clear. Seven YSOs worked three shifts straight and were expected to perform duties with high risk youth.

Let me add that management even utilized employees of the Boys and Girls Club [ there is a branch at CJTS facility ] to work on Units. Now it is necessary for readers to understand Boys and Girls Club employees are not trained to work with incarcerated CJTS youth nor participate in any physical restraints. People hired as YSOs are trained to restrain and keep people safe in case of disruptive situations. Who is responsible for allowing untrained workers to be placed on Units at CJTS? More importantly is this situation a further indication of how out of control things are at CJTS plantation? For years lack of quality leadership at the plantation placed employees – residents in precarious positions. Now all of this dysfunctional activity finally has been revealed for public scrutiny and reflection.

To makes matters even worse so many people were forced into excessive overtime that 3rd shift had one worker per Unit. And this is clearly not safe considering Units can house 10-15 residents.


The kingdom of Superintendent William Rosenbeck is crumbling at Connecticut Juvenile Training School. First the Youth Service Officers sent a petition / letter to state officials and Department of Children and Families Commissioner Joette Katz about lack of leadership at CJTS. Katz is scheduled to meet with YSOs soon. Now there is something else brewing in the background between different employee groups at CJTS. It was reported to DCF Plantation blog teachers and employees are seeking common ground at CJTS. Maybe the old adage is true “ adversity sometimes pushes opposites together.” For several years teachers and YSOs were on opposite sides of the spectrum; neither side really communicated with each other, and remained like two separate worlds in the same universe.

Paula Dylan is a Union Representative for teachers at CJTS and also facility employee. She sent Superintendent Rosenbeck a request to use a room for joint meeting with teachers and YSOs. There is speculation this upcoming meeting might be to discuss strategy to deal with lack of strong facility leadership. At this juncture no further details about the substance of this impending get together were provided: all the indicators point to teachers forming a coalition with YSOs that will address how CJTS is not being governed properly. When the meeting takes places and facts of the agenda are known DCF Plantation blog will report it.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Well as granddaddy use to say the shit has hit the fan. Youth Services Officers reported to DCF Plantation blog that Connecticut Juvenile Training School Superintendent William Rosenbeck requested a meeting with YSOs to hear about their complaints. A Union Steward talked to YSOs to ascertain if they desired dialogue with the superintendent. The YSOs decided not to engage in fruitless discussion with tone deaf management. In order to understand why Rosenbeck asked for a meeting now with employees, a little background information is needed. Several weeks ago YSOs signed a petition / letter about issues that were lowering morale at the CJTS plantation and sent it to state officials, including Department of Children and Families Commissioner Joette Katz. Now Katz is scheduled to meet with CJTS workers to discuss their concerns. From what is being said the YSOs do not want Rosenbeck or any of his Key Stone Cops staff in attendance at the upcoming meeting with Katz. This is the primary reason Rosenbeck wants to meet with staff, in order to head off any momentum or unrest that might reflect badly on him. Well as granddaddy use to say the shit has hit the fan.

When YSOs reached out to CJTS administrators in the past they received replies like “ do your job, you get hazardous duty pay and can retire after 20 years… do your job.” In addition to curt management retorts to YSOs pleas, campaigns of reprisals were launched under the guise of policy and procedure. YSOs that worked on their Units but did not move for 15 minutes were considered sleeping then disciplined. A repressive crack down was implemented on YSOs using policy and procedure as cover for workplace bullying of YSOs; but now employees have decided to stand up to management and fight for their human dignity. The handwriting is on the wall for CJTS leadership, change is coming whether it is wanted or not. However this time the change will not be borne on the backs of YSOs, it is time for Rosenbeck et al. ( and others ) to face the music.

In the words of Sam Cooke “ a change is gonna come oh yes it will.”

Friday, June 6, 2014


A group of Youth Service Officers at Connecticut Juvenile Training School recently sent grievances about unfair management practices to state officials. Their letter described how low morale is at CJTS due to workplace bullying of employees. It is admirable how YSOs finally came together to voice discontent plus advocate for systemic changes at the CJTS plantation. Department of Children & Families Commissioner Joette Katz is scheduled to meet YSOs soon for dialogue about how the situation might be corrected.

The euphoria among YSOs cannot be underestimated nor the treacherous efforts of management to quell this employee unrest. What might escape the notice of people is how current employee issues are built on activism of a group dubbed the DCF Plantation 5. In 2010 two women and three men [ of color ] employed by DCF filed a lawsuit alleging bias, racism and workplace bullying against CJTS. Their efforts caused consciousness raising among fearful employees plus made management rein in abusive tactics toward employees. For several years after the lawsuit was filed the DCF Plantation 5 were targeted for reprisals by vengeful management. During the time period of being targeted, these activists called DCF Plantation 5 carried the burden of having their character maligned: called racist by management and shunned as lepers by their peers it was indeed lonely for DCF plantation 5. History has a way of forgetting about people who pioneered social change; it is popular to believe revisionist tales of change magically popping up due to contemporary tactics. When a perusal of social activism is completed by serious scholars it is noted other people paved the way, blazed trails and endured abuse in many forms.

Let us not forget those efforts of the DCF Plantation 5 who endured investigations, terminations and character assassination by management hell bent on not letting any hope be instilled in oppressed CJTS workers.
Let us salute former employee Cornell Lewis, current employees Veronica Rogers, retired Scott Beck, Kevin Strachan, and Linette Gaunichaux for advocating justice when others cowered in the tall grass.

“ The heroes, the saints, and sages- they are those who face the world alone.”
   --Norman Douglas

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


Maybe someone can read this then explain what is going on at Connecticut Juvenile Training School. Several e-mails to report a travesty of justice might have occurred at CJTS as it relates to a black female trainee and her verbal faux pas [ social blunder ] during working hours. The story behind this is a black female was in training and on probation when a situation with male residents occurred on her Unit. The female trainee videotaped the incident [ as part of CJTS policy ] with male residents and then made some comment about the antics of the residents involved. This staff writer spoke with YSOs who said “ either the lady said those kids are crazy or retarded” and those words were captured on the video. In all fairness to CJTS the trainee’s exact words are not known to this blog and management surely will not share that information with this staff writer. When the last week of May drew near it is reported the black female trainee was walked off the CJTS grounds for this verbal mistake that slipped out, was not malicious, and might be corrected with supervision during her probation period. All indications point to the fact she was fired.

But management decided to discipline the black female seemingly out of proportion to her comments [ if indeed reports are true that no profanity or malicious intent came across on the video audio ]. I bring up the incident because not long ago a white female employee at CJTS called residents porch monkeys more than once over a span of several weeks. She did not get walked off the property or removed from her Unit for uttering racially charged comments. Let us also be aware the white female YSO had been teaching in the school at that facility for more a year before changing to YSO. Given these facts it seems as if the white female YSO would know better to utter such derogatory terms at any facility filled with incarcerated youth of color. Why did management walk the black female trainee off the property, after firing her, for comments that most YSOs have referred to as not overly harmful but accidental?? Is it fair to allow a male YSO to work at CJTS after slapping a resident in 2009, but not giving a trainee another chance?
Have we as human beings not made verbal mistakes in the past?

It boggles the imagination that management makes these decisions affecting people’s lives that are so inconsistent with rational thinking. After writing so many articles about CJTS over the past two years one thing stands out clearly, employees of color seem to be treated differently. Amen to that.

Sunday, June 1, 2014


There are reports coming from Connecticut Juvenile Training School about employee complaints to state officials. Youth Service Officers at CJTS recently signed a letter with specific grievances they wanted management to address, then take action on. For years certain CJTS employees were always blamed for stirring up the unwashed masses; causing strife, discord, racial animus etc. However now a different cadre of YSOs are taking the lead on issues then seeking a remedy to quiet the storm brewing at their facility. For some strange reason only lip service is paid when employees want praxis for injustice on the DCF Plantation.

The letter mentioned in this story reached the desk of DCF Commissioner Joette Katz who ( it is rumored ) will come to CJTS soon and speak with disgruntled employees. I would like to know why does there have to be yet another elevated discussion when it is clear a management change ( at CJTS ) is needed?  Since 2009 activists pointed out there are instances of racial animus, bias, discrimination and white skin privilege permeating that residential facility called CJTS; publicists at DCF dismissed all complaints as work of a few malcontents .. no action to correct the problems were initiated. Now those "chickens have come home to roost" in the form of a  letter to state officials that " natives are restless" on the plantation. It is the sincere hope of DCF Plantation blog YSOs will not let silver tongued administrators come to CJTS,  offering a gypsy pipe dream, as a means of settling their complaints. What is definitely required in this situation is for top CJTS management to be sent packing for failure to run that facility in the proper manner.