Sunday, November 8, 2015


The action is visible and palpable all over America... activists are saying #BlackLivesMatter. Activists are demonstrating in various ways and this has the people in positions of power nervous. The police are following me and it has to do with advocating for black liberation. In Greater Hartford, CT black SUVs with white males [ usually ] in tweed jackets and dark glasses follow me at a distance and sometimes close behind. What crime did I as a black male commit for police forces in America to monitor my movements for the last few months ? First of all, my involvement with an organization called Moral Monday CT might be the logical place to start in figuring this all out. In 2014 Bishop John Selders and wife Pamela Selders started MMCT with the idea of addressing inequality foisted on black people not only in CT but nationwide. I was at the initial meeting of that MMCT movement and pledged support to John and Pam in moving the agenda forward. We have held die-ins at Hartford City Hall, blocked major highways twice [ and been arrested ], protested inside and outside of the Hartford Police Department plus formed strategic alliances with white activists. MMCT has resisted efforts by white power brokers to engage in dialogue with us. Also when white power brokers trotted out moderate Negro leaders as "true voices of reasonable folk" we resisted these attempts and pushed our agenda. At this juncture you might guess the police and white politicians were not and are not happy with MMCT. My years as an activist in Hartford made people aware of certain strategies used in social protest. White power brokers recognize that many of MMCT social protest actions have similarities to my philosophy which is "no give, no take, no compromise, no prisoners." Guerilla type forays into white enclaves lasting only three -four minutes shouting "#BlackLivesMatter" and reading  a manifesto statement before disappearing into waiting vans [ before police can arrive ] is not what HPD forces are use to. The police actually want MMCT to inform them of our future activities. Yeah right ! Since when do you give the opponent notice of your strategy? In addition MMCT leadership is black and that is the way it is going to stay. At this juncture whites sent by power brokers to report on what MMCT is planning have been confronted and purged from the organization. When one former ally sold out to HPD for a $15,000 grant to start something between youth and police we excluded her from the MMCT equation too. In addition, blacks that love old Massa more than freedom for black folk have also been effectively excluded from MMCT. All of this has left white folk scratching their heads as to what to do. So now I am being followed by police for at least two months as part of their new intimidation tactic. In the words of those old rappers NWA "fuck the police."

Second, we must realize MMCT has been making national and international connections around the issue of fighting black oppression in America. This summer MMCT  et al., traveled to eight cities in as many days toward Ferguson, Mo for the one year anniversary of Michael Brown's shooting death. We stopped at churches, informed people about the need to donate funds to the struggle of black liberation, then continued our journey. There were churches filled with over flow crowds eager to hear what the black struggle is all about. These mostly Christian people where we stopped pledged support for the black struggle. All of this nexus with ordinary and influential members of the clergy must be worrisome to local police forces. For two weeks MMCT was on the road and in Ferguson / St. Louis Mo. Then we arrived in the town Michael Brown was shot down like a dog in and the scrutiny by police really started.

Third, MMCT arrived in Ferguson and met with dynamic leaders of the movement in that geographical location. Reverend Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou is known internationally for his leadership during the year long Ferguson uprising. I travelled with  Rev. Sekou, Dr. Cornel West and Bree Newsome [ she took down the Confederate flag from a pole outside of the South Carolina statehouse ] for almost one week. During that time period the police shadowed us constantly. When we protested outside of the Department of Justice building I was standing next to Rev. Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou and Dr.West when they jumped the police barricade and got arrested. In addition while in Ferguson / St. Louis meetings with Palestinians from overseas and having them participate in protest concerning Michael Brown probably caught the attention of police. My picture appeared on MSNBC with Bree Newsome while she spoke before one thousand people during the anniversary of Michael Brown's death. I was in the front row with Bishop Selders and Bree marching to the DOJ protest. Then after arriving back in Hartford, CT we planned and implemented social protest against black oppression.

Yes the police are following me and it has to do with advocating for black liberation. In this fight we are waged in with white power brokers, racists, state sanctioned police terror against people of color, and sold out moderate Negro leaders- there is a lot at stake. However, I am not afraid of the police and will pay whatever price necessary to achieve liberation for my people. And to be honest that is what worries the police about me.


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