Thursday, October 15, 2015


The Real Art Way Theatre in Hartford presented the new documentary of the Black Panther Party on October 9, 2015 5:30pm. Crowds of white people flowed into the theatre along with some blacks claiming to be Moors and other assorted folks. What is interesting is that for months members of Moral Monday CT have engaged whites in dialogue about being part of denouncing and ending oppression of blacks in America. Whites in response have questioned the ideological...theoretical concepts of the current black struggle plus used microscopes to examine our tactics. It took an act of Congress for some whites to finally relent enough to join MMCT street blockage of several major highways or die in at City Hall. So it is with amazement that I discovered so many white people stormed Real Art Ways Theatre to watch this BPP documentary. Oh the white folks were besides themselves being in a theatre with blacks and discussing revolution etc. However what intrigues me is when will whites actually become involved in some sort of revolutionary activity ?

It seems as if whites want to get revolutionary fervor through osmosis. Whites go to events discussing racism, they debate structural racism into the ground, but there is no solidarity with their so called black activists. Let me be clear. It is easy for whites to go see a damn documentary about how blacks sacrificed to gain freedom using BPP as a vehicle. Yet these same whites creep back to the safety of white privilege when asked to be down with the current revolution. These whites do not want to sacrifice or fight for black freedom; hell, they might become uncomfortable being real fighters for freedom. There are levels of sacrifice involved in being dedicated like members of the old BPP, at this juncture whites are not willing or able to make such a commitment.

At the end of the BPP documentary the eyes of white folk were ablaze with what they saw on the movie screen. Now the question must be asked are you down with the current revolution in America or just shucking and jiving?

All Power To The People !!

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