Tuesday, July 2, 2013


The angst displaying itself at Connecticut Juvenile Training is threatening a racial conflict of epic proportions. A Youth Service Officer of color seems to be targeted by "the usual suspects" at CJTS and it goes ignored. While working one day at CJTS a YSO of color wore a shirt displaying verses or a saying from the Bible. This religious person of color ( if asked) will talk about his faith in Jesus or the Bible-i'm okay with that. However, one day another YSO saw the shirt with Biblical verses on it and complained to Human Resources that as a non believer any reference to Biblical scripture on public display was deemed offensive. Human Resources made the christian man of color take off the shirt or risk disciplinary action. Now the story should end here except for 1. YSOs of color complained months ago to HR about  being targeted by a white employee, 2. a concentrated effort is now put out to ensare all types of non whites in a net ( by a white employee).
If a white employee of any business complained consistently about people of color harassing them a siren would go off and the Key Stone Cops would come screeching around corners-clubs in hand. At CJTS people of color are not only misused by management but those attack dogs utilized to keeping " those people in their places."  Yet when you let any attack dog randomly roam free it loses perspective and challenges anyone ( old master too)---- whether the dog is provoked or not. Let the record show how in the past CJTS management skillfully used this caucasian YSO as lead attack person but now sit by idily as the dog turns rabid. Daily personal slights at CJTS by caucasians towards people of color increase daily: lines outside HR by people of color to lodge racial complaints rival the number of Hebrews Moses led from Egypt. At this juncture management either cannot or will not leash that rabid canine. Hell, do what works in the West with rabid canines-shoot them.
the reference in the last line was merely metaphorical, and not intended to advocate violence of any form. 

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