Wednesday, June 26, 2013


The DCF Plantation blog received information that Connecticut Juvenile Training School employees are recognizing something is wrong at that facility. CJTS management has been quietly continuing a campaign to target Youth Service Officers that are held in low esteem.For several years some of the YSOs  maintained a type of indifference when management targeted co-workers: the mantra went like this, "it is not me and I just want to work overtime." However as time moves forward in a linear fashion a thought can change. It is now being said openly by certain YSOs how CJTS management seeks out male employees of color for discipline while ignoring other ethnic groups ( caucasians?) Why a change of thinking ? When you are not personally  touched by evil it is easy to be in denial. Now YSOs are experiencing 'that personal touch' due to a widening net by management to tether ( in some manner) males of color. A television comedian named Jackie Gleason use to say "how sweet it is." Indeed, a certain amount of satisfaction occurs when people in denial come around or "done gone and got religion." But why did it take almost five years of activism at CJTS plantation for workers to realize their arse is in the same boat as other YSOs? Dr. Phil could spend hours on the topic of why YSOs finally came around to acknowledging these machinations by management.
Whatever the reasons are for a turnaround by YSOs it is welcome: now move from acknowledgement to action.

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