Sunday, March 29, 2015



There are rumors coming out of Connecticut Juvenile Training School about a bad situation that developed with an employee. Let us first go back in time for a recapitulation of events that management must bear the responsibility for. Several years ago at CJTS Key Stone Cops management rode rough shod over the rights of Youth Services Officers –white / black, but esp. the latter- and used another Caucasian employee as an instrument of terrorization. The YSO continually harassed employees of color, filed complaints and grievances, then used union policies to legitimize those claims put forth. In return for doing the dirty work of management intent on keeping draconian order on the plantation, the YSO was never personally confronted about behavioral issues that seemed out of proportion as time moved on. Now the chickens are coming home to roost.

The YSO went through a series of events which includes past termination, reinstatement, and loss of being active on the Union agenda at CJTS. In recent months since getting hired back at CJTS the YSO denounced everyone –real or imagined- thought to be enemies i.e. management or other YSOs. And so, the shit has hit the fan. Sources within DCF Plantation report that this person who once worked for management as spy, dispenser of justice, and school yard bully is once again out on administrative leave.  People working at CJTS complained about how erratic the YSO behaved, going to every Unit building making wild accusations against staff, filing numerous complaints about residents mistreatment that were not true and creating a hostile work environment.

Now other YSOs complained of not wanting to work with the once feared instrument of management, and now there are concerns for personal safety of employees / residents. This scenario was predicted by staff at CJTS and writers of this blog years ago. People foresaw how this YSO was slowly losing control of behavioral checks regulating most other human beings. However if memory serves this writer correctly management at CJTS Plantation refused to discipline the YSO, ( who is now out of control and striking fear into the employee base ) because it was in their best interest not to do so. In other words management allowed their creation to run amok in the CJTS countryside like the Frankenstein monster in those old Universal Picture Studio movies. In one instance it was reported how the YSO, who is now shunned from the CJTS property, went to a meeting with the Superintendent and used abusive language, i.e. the top administrator heard expletives hurled his way. Holy crap.

In conclusion, let it be noted that the YSO on administrative leave cannot come within so many yards of the CJTS Plantation. Just so people get the message that trouble is on the horizon, pictures of the YSO are posted in their main operations control center. I guess now management is concerned and is taking measures to protect residents and staff.

Truth of the matter is they [ management ] created this out of control nightmare.

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