Wednesday, March 18, 2015


There is a saying that "what goes around comes around." And that is exactly what people are saying at Connecticut Juvenile Training School about an employee who is now out of favor with management. Let me go back in time to paint a picture for the readers of this blog. Five years ago at CJTS there were things happening to employees because management ran an oppressive system of unfair discipline, manipulation of overtime,  favoritism with scheduling and racial animus were commonplace. The last item i.e. racial animus was used as discipline to keep minorities in "their place." In order to pull this off CJTS management used a certain Youth Service Officer as their agent of doom. This YSO reported to management what other employees were doing or saying, plus when it was time to use policy and procedure the puppet employee helped write grievances.

However as time marched on at CJTS certain things happened to make the situation change for  average employees. Here are things that occurred- lawsuit against management, comments of "porch monkey" directed toward residents of color, then negative media publicity concerning management mistakes. The YSO mentioned earlier in this story fell on hard times and was no longer deemed necessary by management. All of a sudden the YSO did not have that management backing and this made the person furious. CJTS management severely disciplined the once proud and arrogant YSO to the point of termination. But just as Jesus rose from the dead, so did the YSO come back to reclaim a job that had been snatched away. Now reliable sources inform DCF Plantation Blog that the YSO in question is once again no longer on the facility grounds.

And to make matters worse, all of this is being kept hush-hush. Yet five years ago the YSO strutted around CJTS like some type of proud Peacock, dispensing justice for management.  But that was five years ago and this is now. Where is the cover of protection for that YSO now ?

Someone once wrote " and when he falls, he falls like Lucifer, never to hope again."
These are appropriate words for the fallen YSO... former tool of management.

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