Friday, February 13, 2015


There is a saying that some things are stranger than fiction. If that saying is deemed as true, then there certainly is reason for people to worry about new developments at Connecticut Juvenile Training School. Sources report how a Youth Service Officer is running all over the facility like a Banshee on the Moors of Scotland creating trouble. The issue stems from the fact this particular YSO is bitter about being fired then rehired, and not being voted in as AFSCME Union Steward. In the mind of this disgruntled employee there are people at CJTS that pose problems. Ergo, the YSO is going to every Unit at the facility and informing residents how to write grievances against staff. Now this is being done under the guise of protecting residents rights, but in reality the YSO is using residents to get even. The YSO lodged complaints about certain Unit Leaders and staff and this caused angst in the visceral region of a lot of co-workers.

When a person has real or imagined grievances swirling inside of their head and then these slights morph into bitterness that can be a volatile concoction indeed. Such feelings might cause a person to lose sight of what is real or imaginary; such deviations from factual truth leads to acting out behaviors such as the YSO is doing at CJTS Plantation. In one scenario the YSO goes to scheduling planners at CJTS to complain about how someone is working and getting overtime during visiting hours. Well what generally happens is people are asked if they would work 4-6 hour visiting time shifts- in some cases there is often 2 hour shifts generally remaining ( very few people want to only get paid for two hours ). A few YSOs are not shy about working only 2 hours and accept the overtime. However the Mad Hatter YSO went to the agency scheduler and complained how a fellow employee gets ALL the overtime each week. Say What ? The YSO in question named Soto would only work 4 hours total if he accepted the positions on Saturday and Sunday. So what the hell is the problem ? If we peer deeply into the thinking of the employee making this allegation it is part of a master plan to strike at perceived enemies.

Now the same animus aimed at YSO Soto has been directed toward YSO Riddle. Sources report that YSO Riddle is under investigation due to the machinations of the rehired YSO, who went behind  the scenes to make sure residents et al., wrote proper complaints about Riddle. Many employees believe allegations against Riddle is bunkum. Meanwhile back at the ranch Key Stone Cops management stands looking up in the sky with thumbs stuck in their behinds, and wondering what to do about the problem on the plantation as an employee goes wild.

Stay tuned for the latest weather report !!

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