The racial games continue to be played at Connecticut Juvenile Training School when it comes to hiring qualified people for Youth Service Officers. It has been reported that recently three people [ two people of color and a white male ] applied for jobs as YSOs at the CJTS plantation. Well, reliable sources state that the first applicant was a black female with a degree in law, second applicant [ black male ] had experience in correction / detention facilities. When the third applicant [white male ] submitted his credentials it was noted he cited experience as pharmacist.
Now as they would say in the movies "the plot thickens" in this tale of racial hiring practices at CJTS Plantation. Someone at that Juvenile Training School made decisions to exclude two qualified black people from obtaining jobs where residents of color make up the majority of the population. Say what ?
Some people reading these words might be surprised at an organization for making such decisions: remember all the negative press about this facility over a five year period concerning racial problems with staff and predominately white management. A white female YSO calls residents of color "porch monkeys" while in 2010 five people of color file discrimination lawsuits. Then former YSO Cornell Lewis went on this hunger strike for eight days to highlight racism / bias. Media sources wrote extensively about racial turmoil at CJTS. However it appears as if games are still being played by Key Stone Cop management when it comes to hiring "the other."
Can any justifiable reason be given for hiring someone with experience in pharmacy over people with law degrees and corrections backgrounds ? Maybe the more glaring question is how people running the Department of Children and Families allow such trickery to continue.
In conclusion what can be cited with certainty is while applying for work on the plantation, two got rejected but one accepted.
Have mercy !!
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