Thursday, May 8, 2014


Administrators at Department of Children and Families plus Connecticut Juvenile Training School are masters of deception [ or in the black community it is called tricknology ]. For years when issues arose from employees about racial animus, hostile working environment, or incompetent management it was met with a yawn. In order to deflect years of criticism about being biased toward minority employees DCF / CJTS created something called the noble lie. To put it simply the noble lie is something manufactured to enhance the image of agencies, corporations, governments and racists when confronted with criticism.... public condemnation. When the Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted to annex Crimea he put out a noble lie that residents of that country were historically from Russia. This narrative allowed Putin to put a sanitized face on naked aggression when incorporating Crimea into the motherland.

When state run institutions [ DCF / CJTS ] are faced with public scrutiny concerning racism or bias a beautiful story is put forth about taking care of children in the community. Ah the noble lie is offered as palatable food for the unwashed masses. What the noble lie does is allows people to get on with normal activities in their lives, then tune out negative noise [ complaints of injustice etc ]. In a universe where people need to believe in something good for deliverance of one's sanity- the noble lie is a salvation vehicle. Such a narrative proclaims that these administrators in state run plantations are inherently decent people and are not evil. Ergo, whites ruling the DCF Plantation can continue business as usual - racism / bias - by trotting out a feel good noble lie as soothing balm for public consumption. Within societal structures the noble lies allow officials to ignore cries from ordinary citizens and feel good about handling state or city business. Last time this blog checked ordinary people are the concern of officials, especially when there are allegations of injustice that crop up on a consistent basis.

Another aspect of the noble lie is how employees of color [ in state run plantations ] assist their master in quelling any hint of resistance from rank and file workers,  or reporting any signs of possible unity or protests. When there is a need for a face of color in board rooms during disciplinary hearings the master's sycophant comes running at sound of a whistle. And of course the faithful employee of color always co-signs the noble  lie. It is necessary for those people who know of the noble lie to expose it and those people supporting such verbal swill. When the lies of oppressors are held up before public scrutiny it can only help those masses laboring under master's yoke to fight back.

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