Thursday, September 5, 2013


The news came as a shock to members of the DCF Plantation writing cadre. It is rumored that two administrators from Connecticut Juvenile Training School received a verbal warning for unauthorized computer use while at work. This supposedly came out when a member of the local union asked a question about various standards of justice at CJTS for staff and administration. Seems as if Gung Ho Charlie administrators, within the plantation, have fired several Youth Services officers for using computers and not being observant of the residents. Yet now the second in command at CJTS is given a verbal warning for excessive- unauthorized computer use, while people of color get the unemployment line.How do you justify an argument for such a standard of justice which allows the school principal of an educational system, at  CJTS, to get away from monitoring residents or their school work? and this while on the computer looking up things risque.
Let me be clear. A lack of leadership is in full swing at the CJTS plantation due to these kind of double standards. Call the role please 1. resident recently almost escapes from CJTS and no administrators are watching the cameras ( who got fired for this?), 2. staff member last week is walked off the property for falsification of time cards, 3. office staff come back from suspension due to computer abuse, and their schedules get re-schuffled allowing them to attend a party in their honor (say what?), 4. a Unit Leader  uses state time to bake cakes and cookies for the triumphal return of employees mentioned in # 3, then at CJTS finally take action against a white employee, only after the Greek Chorus of complaints ( from people of color and female co-workers) reaches a crescendo.
Back to the original argument of why two CJTS administrators received a lighter punishment that other front line employees caught in the same computer abuse net. It was reported first on the DCF plantation blog how DCF leaders abuse the computer system. Now like magic a, decisive, stand is taken albeit a mild one for CJTS leaders. As a reporter named Paul Harvey once said " and now you know the rest of the story."

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