Friday, September 20, 2013


 This story captures the resolve of a person on the DCFplantation to be heard as a sentient human being. Notice the words of a DCF spokes person to the hunger strike "There's been no complaint, there's been no demand, there's been no request......" 

Posting of this story is intended to give readers an idea of the intense nature of the struggle for racial equality.                 ( the date of 10-21-11 may not be the actual date of publication )


Conn. pastor ponders hunger strike in race spat   

Black pastor and activist Cornell Lewis said Friday he plans to decide this weekend whether to continue his hunger strike to protest what he calls a racist attitude by mostly white supervisors toward employees at the state's only secure facility for delinquent boys.

Lewis, a youth service officer at the Middletown facility, the Connecticut Juvenile Training School, announced Monday he would ingest only water, juice and tea. He said he decided to wage the hunger strike because he was frustrated by what he considers to be inaction by the Department of Children and Families, which runs the school.

Lewis, 61, told The Associated Press on Friday that he will decide Saturday whether to continue the strike, begin consuming protein shakes or end the strike. Starting at 208 pounds, at a height of 6 feet, he said he has lost nearly 10 pounds and some muscle mass.

"I'm going to see how I feel," he said. "If I can keep going, I will."

Training School officials have not met any of Lewis' demands, including an apology to the youth service officers for what he says was biased treatment. DCF spokesman Gary Kleeblatt said Lewis hasn't presented a specific complaint of racism to the superintendent of the juvenile facility, William Rosenbeck, for him to investigate.

" Kleeblatt said. "There's just been communication with The Associated Press."

Lewis' protest comes more than a year after he and four black co-workers filed a federal lawsuit against state officials, claiming black employees have been the target of racially motivated disciplinary actions, are promoted at a slower pace than others and have faced harassment. They also have claimed that their opinions and concerns about matters such as restraining Training School residents have been ignored.

The lawsuit lists specific incidents.

Lewis said he has received an outpouring of support, including from minority employees at the Connecticut Valley Hospital, a Middletown psychiatric hospital that also is run by the state. He said even people who've questioned his approach to activism in the past have reached out to him and offered support.

"I think they know that I'm serious," he said. "To do this for five days, it's not been easy."

Lewis worked on Monday but has been off duty for the rest of the week. He is scheduled to return on Saturday.

Kleeblatt said if Lewis does come back to work, there's an expectation by DCF that he can physically perform his duties.

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