Saturday, August 4, 2012


The Connecticut Juvenile training School Youth Services Officers are fighting among each other (again) over nonsense. Seems as if a YSO filed a grievance about his peers et al. getting overtime to instruct residents in football practice, while other YSOs cannot get certain days off. My concern is how YSOs spend inordinate amounts of time discussing things that have nothing to do with the problems management is foisting upon employees of color. For example, why is there no discussion about management's unfair disciplinary actions towards YSOs that commit infractions of policy? Hey, YSOs, did you holler when one of your peers that is white placed hands on a resident of color only to be given a mild rebuke? Hey YSOs, did you sign those petitions circulated at CJTS about having clinincal staff and YSOs working in tandem, and not master (clinicians) slave (YSOs) relationship?Hey, YSOs have you informed management about the Unit Leader in building #4 that is always allowed to avoid inclement weather (snow-rain) due to schedule changes while forntline staff are mandated to be at work? There are larger issues YSOs need to confront with managent-not each other in order to bring justice to the DCF Plantation employees.

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