Friday, July 17, 2015


        Behavior is a mirror in which every one displays his image.
          -Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

The history of black struggle in America for egalitarian rights is well documented. What is equally documented is how at crucial junctures in the quest for black justice in America, white allies join the fray. Now it is no secret that all social movements rely on other groups for support, without additional resources many movements would not expand or achieve goals. However there is also a history of whites either co-opting black movements or betraying them over ideological concerns, or how certain methods will be used to achieve desired goals. We won't get into the other stuff ,namely, how black leadership of movements is problematic for some ( not all ) white allies. During the 1960s Civil Rights era, several black led groups either clashed with white allies or purged them from the movement. It is said history has a way of repeating itself. In the city of Hartford recent actions by white allies can only be construed by sentient human beings as betrayal.

One year ago an embryonic movement seeking to acknowledge the value of black / brown lives began with several events. The excessive use of police force in certain cases involving people of color caused uproars in communities. White allies were side by side with people of color; ah yes, the mosaic of black, brown and white skins marching to the same beat for social justice was breath taking. All seemed well in this visual image of solidarity until white allies showed their true color. Let me be clear. Not every white ally betrays black social movements but some did in the case of this new found sense of social justice among people of color in Hartford. As time progressed certain allies started to extract themselves from working with the newly created -and yet shapeless- movement around #blacklivesmatter , excuses were offered by white allies about why they could not attend meetings or events. However, the real reason(s) slowly emerged, and in reality shocked many, there was treason in the ranks. While black / brown folk were sleeping the white allies were speaking behind the scenes with power brokers. It has been mentioned how these same power brokers explained to white allies how members of the black/ brown movement in Hartford were not aware of certain facts concerning alleged use of excessive police force. At this juncture white allies compromised with the power structure and betrayed people of color. In the book On Guerrilla Warfare Mao Tse-Tung writes "...compromises are only made to further the strategic design." The white allies did not seek to further the hopes of seeking justice for people of color. Other nefarious plans were waiting to be hatched.

We now find out months later how the power structure offered white allies both prestige and financial considerations for betraying people of color. If white allies agreed to betray black folk [ which the white allies agreed to do in principle when they met secretly with power brokers ] then certain programs would be provided -with funding too - for their organizations. And so for 30 pieces of silver, stories about police and community cooperation in national newspapers, and  some twisted sort of logic, betrayal of blacks has been justified. In the final analysis it is wise for people of color to be like Argus and watch all who come feigning loyalty to the cause of black liberation.

People of color have found out the hard way in Hartford that white allies often say one thing and do another.

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