Saturday, October 4, 2014


 Sources at Connecticut Juvenile Training School are talking about the sudden retirement of an administrative staff. Rumors are circulating that CJTS top administrators now  face withering criticism over issues of bias/ racism against employees of color; a transgender youth named Jane Doe is housed at CJTS on a separate housing Unit. She is not being given the necessary services needed according to advocates. Former employee Cornell Lewis recently won ( July 2014 ) an arbitration case against CJTS / DCF for wrongful termination ( Cornell was really fired because of organizing workers against the injustices they faced ). Also employees signed a mass petition about ill treatment forcing DCF Commissioner Joette Katz to meet with them at CJTS.

However let me not digress from the point that all of the above mentioned turmoil is making feudal warlord middle management types uncomfortable. Past injustices by middle management were overlooked due to the weak knee leadership of top management; Youth Services Officers were abused mentally / financially by the vindictive petty machinations of out of control staff. However when the public scrutiny became intense about infractions at CJTS then things started to happen, no longer were the middle management allowed to sift YSO's like wheat in a sieve. Now top management started putting pressure on their outlaw lower administrators to curtail personal vendettas : one YSO named Barray Monteiro was falsely accused of abandoning his post. The top administrator at CJTS found out the allegation was not true and informed his staff " if this is personal it better stop now." Shortly thereafter things started to change at CJTS i.e. winds of change began blowing in a culture that for years refused to treat employees fairly.This meant that lower management were told to shape up; in one particular case administrative staff was asked to sign a stipulated agreement in order to stay employed , due to bad decision making. Of course the person ( in their arrogance) refused to cooperate or sign the agreement and made other life altering decisions.

In the background of all this drama there are other middle administrators under the gun for mistreatment of employees at CJTS. Now the pendulum has swung full circle and the arc of justice is catching those responsible for so much human misery. Let DCF Plantation blog be the first to report how employees at CJTS are filing complaints against the cabal of miscreants who are now running for cover. Let it be known to all reading this blog THE RATS ARE LEAVING A SINKING SHIP.

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