Friday, July 25, 2014


The case of Youth Service Officer Barray Monterio has been written about and posted by DCF Plantation blog. Barray was accused of being inattentive after working a double shift. This allegation led to him being investigated but not disciplined. Let me juxtapose Barray with another YSO’s incident.

Reliable sources report the following story. During the month of January 24-30, 2014 a male YSO was assigned overtime at Connecticut Juvenile Training School. The YSO in question went to Middlesex Hospital with a male resident during late [ 3rd shift ] hours. While on duty the YSO was caught sleeping while supposedly watching this youth; hospital administrator walked in and caught the YSO. And according to the chatter this employee slept for 3 hours. Now the main point of this story is that someone called CJTS to report this sleeping infraction. However for some mysterious reason no investigation was ever undertaken. How did this non investigation get misplaced or perhaps ignored?

It has long been established that management plays favorites with certain employees. Let me be clear. If management likes a certain YSO then that employee gets overlooked when discipline is handed out. Now back to Barray being inattentive during work. This employee [ Barray ] admitted closing his eyes momentarily after wording overtime. And management launched some type of investigation worthy of the Spanish Inquisition against Barray. Only after public attention was focused on Barray and the investigation did management start to backpedal or Moon Walk like Michael Jackson—in order to get out of the situation. Yet here is another case of someone sleeping for hours and being reported by hospital administrators to CJTS. However in the case of this sleeping YSO [ 3 hours plus ] his friends[?] might have swept the complaint under the rug.
In the final analysis the YSO caught sleeping at Middlesex Hospital in Middletown got away with another infraction because he is liked. Perhaps the three hour sleeping YSO is singing that song by Garth Brooks “I got friends in low places.”

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