Wednesday, June 18, 2014


The DCF Plantation blog posted a story not long ago titled “Going After Ray Monterio Through his Son.” In the story DCF Plantation blog writers pointed out that an investigation of Youth Service Officer Barray Monterio at Connecticut Juvenile Training School was really a Trojan Horse decoy and the real target was his father Ray. Staff writers for DCF Plantation explained how CJTS white management devised nefarious plans to discredit Ray due to his compassion / advocacy for incarcerated residents at that facility. The investigation began when a co-worker pointed out how YSO Barray did not seem attentive during a shift. Other administrative personnel were called in to confirm the accuser’s narrative, and from that time on the stench of a false accusation hung in the air like three day old soiled baby diapers. To some YSOs it appeared as if the real target of malice was not Barray but his father Ray.

On April 10, 2014 DCF Plantation blog requested through the Freedom of Information Act, copies of all investigations and outcomes pertaining to employee Barray Monterio. Since April 2014 DCF Plantation blog has been told the investigation was not completed and therefore no documents are available. However two-- three weeks ago this blog received information the process of investigation had been completed, yet the Department of Children and Families did not send any documents to DCF Plantation blog. Now that the investigation is complete, an e-mail received June 17, 2014 from DCF legal Dept. makes it clear disciplinary measures are on the way.

Now the emphasis is no longer on the Barray investigation being completed but according to the e-mail “ the case is in the disciplinary process.” Say that again? At this juncture no administrative person has said publicly what the hell Barray is guilty of ; perhaps this is some phantasmagoria lingering in the brains of white administrators toward an employee who had allegations made against him. Administrators have made a leap from allegations to a “ case being in the disciplinary process.” Reliable sources speaking to this blog report Barray is being offered some kind of deal or stipulation to end the investigation. It seems that at least Barray can be made aware of the outcome of this process in which he has been [ evidently ] found guilty – of something mystical. Shakespeare wrote something that fits exactly what is happening to Barray,

  “ But the times are cruel when we are accused
  Of being traitors without knowing our treason;
 When we believe every frightening rumor
  Based only on what we fear might be true……”
Macbeth Act IV, Scene 2

A man is accused of something at CJTS that would make Sherlock Holmes confused; to make matters worse management is trying to strong arm Barray into taking a penalty then release their findings, and this stinks to high heaven.

Sent to on June 17, 2014
Hi Mr. Lewis.  The case is in the disciplinary process and I have been told it should be available to you in two weeks.
Thomas De Matteo
Assistant Agency Legal Director
Department of Children and Families


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