Thursday, April 24, 2014


Where is the political, moral or ethical will to fight white supremacy inside of state run plantations? People of color employed at Connecticut Juvenile Training School, Department of Children and Families, Connecticut Valley Hospital and Department of Corrections are being discriminated against. For years a single narrative has been voiced consistently by employees of color of how white administrators single them out for harsher discipline. Singing a woeful lament obviously has not made a difference because all of the agencies mentioned above are still using tricknology  - in disguise of policy or procedure - to kick certain people of color out the door as a way of implementing ethnic cleansing. What is really distressing, however, is why such treatment of minorities has continued for so long without someone stopping it.

First of all there has to be a will to fight from employees suffering under a merciless yoke of white supremacy. Historically no ethnic group ever won freedom from tyranny unless a collective effort was undertaken to force oppressors to back away from evil deeds. In this vein it is now time for employees to stop looking for a paycheck every two weeks and seek a higher goal : freedom and egalitarian rights. How many times have the oppressed at state run institutions ducked or bowed their heads to old massa in order to buy more groceries or go on longer vacations ?? It is sickening to hear countless excuses why grown men and women run to hide in the tall grass from their white administrators; whining like children in the process of being spanked. Second, it is no secret about what white people running these agencies are doing to blacks et al., but politicians seem to be tone deaf when listening to such complaints. Are not the cries and anguish of employees of color valid enough for political action in halting racism or bias ?? When whites suffer tragedy in Newtown [ children shot by a person with mental issues ] help arrives in the form of laws, monetary assistance not to mention continuous media coverage. A tragedy of epic proportions occurs daily within state run plantations to employees of color, yet nobody in political circles moves a finger to stop it.

The thing that must be said is this, people leading these state agencies look like the majority of power brokers in Connecticut. Let me be clear. White politicians are not lifting a finger or voice against whites that run these state institutions. If anyone out there can offer a better explanation of why political forces dominated by whites in Connecticut are silent on this issue- let this blog know. It appears that pain of employees of color is not comparable to pain of other ethnic groups suffering from tragedy. Ergo, there is no need for addressing issues people of color raise about injustice within state institutions. For hundreds of years blacks et al. begged so called sympathetic white allies to speak up, or march, with a unified presence on the bastion of white supremacy in America. Hell, that help is weak at best or non existent at worse. The tea leaves indicate it is time for people of color to forge a pioneer trail of survival and self help. For it is crystal clear people of color stand alone in their fight against white supremacy inside state run institutions.

Let people of color be like Samson in the Old Testament Bible. Stand in the citadel of white supremacy with your chains wrapped around pillars of their temples of white apartheid , then let the oppressed pull with combined strength to topple these edifices. We may perish in the collapse but so will the enemy.

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