Monday, March 31, 2014


When regimes, countries, kingdoms or businesses have problems they think it is best to hide them. No country wants to make public human rights abuses, or mistreatment of the homeless or mentally ill. This is especially true if that country, regime, or business proclaims to be a democratic and fair place. What usually happens if excesses are taking place is to hide them from sight.. get rid of them. A look inside the DCF Plantation or Connecticut Juvenile Training School reveals a duplicity taking place; management claims to be caring for youth while really doing something else. That something else is has been identified as mistreatment of employees of color by terminating them more than other ethnic group .Both agencies try hiding such a contradiction by offering a persona of  embracing the child who is in need of protection.Who cannot accept such a noble narrative?

However we then look at what has recently taken place within the DCF Plantation and discover a contradiction : activists  [ the DCF Plantation 5 ] launched a class action lawsuit against CJTS in 2010 and alleged racism, bias and injustice were taking place. At no time did CJTS management address any of those issues in that lawsuit; time and energy however were spent on trying to discredit members of the DCF Plantation 5... in particular Cornell Lewis. Other members of the lawsuit are under constant scrutiny by white administrators and those black staff buying into the massa's mindset. In the case of Lewis a vicious attack on his character by white management culminated in CJTS terminating him  on charges that Ray Charles could see were suspicious. After an incident that occurred while Lewis was working, white administrators jumped on the chance to get rid of their personal contradiction Cornell Lewis. If white management of the DCF Plantation are as fair and even handed as they proclaim, then why did Lewis -for 5 years- protest to the high heavens racism and bias existed? Surely in such an idyllic milieu as CJTS there was no need for Lewis et al. to launch a lawsuit. Ergo, there is a contradiction that white people were forced to get rid of in 2013... Lewis.

Now there is still racial animus at CJTS because a white female employee called black residents " porch monkeys" in October of 2013 and she recently received a 15 day unpaid suspension. If there are no problems on the plantation then what is up with "porch monkey." In the final analysis oppressors will always try to hide contradiction in their own society; in this manner it makes the oppressor look better publicly and residents of that fraudulent society can hide from the truth.

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