Wednesday, October 23, 2013


The DCF Plantation blog received some information that must wait on other sources before it is confirmed. Seems as if a certain Connecticut Juvenile Training School employee is in dire straits with management because of certain factors: for years management used this person to do their dirty work and keep employees off balance. In doing this kind of hachet work the employee always kept in good standing with administrators. Disciplinary actions by management always struck others, never the hachet man who strutted around like a rooster in a yard. Now fortunes are reversed and the obedient lackey for CJTS management was sent out of the facility on paid adminstrative leave for various infractions ( more on these infractions in a future story).

People complained about the employee for years while management looked the other way. At this juncture sensible people connecting dots have to ask if, CJTS is trying to clean house ( get rid of evidence they favored one employee and let that person commit infractions others got fired for) or are chickens coming home to roost? It is no secret public opinion is focusing on all the racial turmoil and division at CJTS; can't continue sweeping this stuff under a rug. In order to make it appear CJTS handles all employe issues fairly, the hachet man might have been sacrificed for appearance sake. Maybe CJTS could no longer protect a person who for so long flaunted the rules and made a mockery out of them.

Finally, can it be that praxis by social justice advocates about CJTS bias / discrimination tipped the scales and caused a reckoning for this overseer? Something clearly happened to make CJTS management make a disciplinary move on the hachet man. Just goes to show you nobody is safe at CJTS.

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