Tuesday, April 9, 2013


The history of America is replete with instances of a white society that blames black people for societal ills. It is documented that blacks were accused of all manner of issues when in fact the administrators of a community actually failed to do their jobs. Now let us switch to the present situation at Connecticut Juvenile Training School in Middletown, Connecticut.For several years a black Youth Service Office named Cornell Lewis pointed out issues of bias/racism to management. The response was always the same; administrators (white) huddled the wagons and claimed nothing was going on, refusing to acknowledge even the smallest complaint. Oh there were meetings where management tried minimizing racial issues, but that was it. However, for years the mantra from CJTS always focused on "Cornell is the cause of turmoil" on CJTS campus.
 Mr. Lewis is not around on CJTS campus for white existential angst to use as a focal point and there is still turmoil on the CJTS plantation. In true American tradition the white adminstrators have found a new scapegoat-a black supervisor named Linette Gaunichaux. Having worked for 20 years at this facility with a record of being diligent towards resdients or employees means nothing to white administrators. For now there is still inner turmoil at CJTS : but wait, Cornell is not on campus therefore, where does blame go? At this time a white YSO male is creating a hostile work environment for people of color through various means. Even thought the confronted YSOs informed Human Resources about the white YSOs actions nothing has been done. The classical response from administrators is to blame Linette for inciting blacks to talk to HR. At this time more employees termed as good old boys are under scrutiny for infractions that management winked at in the past. Some good old boys are on Administrative Leave,while some are being questioned about time sheets, attendance or computer use. CJTS management is outraged that the good old boys are now catching hell ( and this hell is from legal counsel on the DCF plantation and cannot be controlled by CJTS lackeys) and blames the current trouble on Linette. What makes matters worse is Linette is a Union Steward and has that power when addressing grievances at CJTS; whites in power fawn at Linette in public but condemn her to a verbal hell behind closed conference room doors.. Why not just take responsibility for what is going on at CJTS? Stop looking for excuses not to solve problems: blame it on the black person is a standard political,religious and societal device, shifts blame from the real subject matter.
When all else fails at CJTS blame it on the black person for we know this is a great American tradition (almost like Thanksgiving).

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