Friday, October 6, 2017


What happens if people who are in charge of an agency do not take responsibility for mishaps or problems that occur ? If you are seeking answers to that question just look at the awful state of Connecticut Juvenile Training School in Middletown, Connecticut. For years this facility has been besieged with problems of administrative incompetence when handling issues relating to employees i.e. Youth Service Officers, racism from white staff directed toward employees of color, female supervisors abusing Workers Compensation, or leadership going out to bars on the weekend, and drinking to excess, while twerking the night away and having it photographed. There are too many infractions that occurred at CJTS over the years to mention, however there is a pattern of denial that is documented by this blog. When something takes place that needs to be handled professionally, CJTS management will do the following (1. ignore the problem and view it with suspicion, (2. seek to blame someone or something as responsible for what happened, (3. try and keep the problem from becoming public, (4. vilify anyone trying to address the issue with management.

The denials are part of a dysfunctional Key Stone Cops management style that over the years resulted in a class action lawsuit from people of color proclaiming institutional racism. Also because of weak leadership, racial animus from white employees have been directed at YSOs and residents. The latter being called "porch monkeys" by a white female employee who also worked at the same facility as a school teacher.

If you doubt the words in this story please take time to peruse earlier blog articles.

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