Sunday, June 14, 2015


A black male Youth Service Officer at Connecticut Juvenile Training School was assaulted on Unit 6B recently. All the details of what happened are not yet clear about the assault on this YSO. However the YSO named Greg is the latest casualty in the unrelenting war on black male employees in the DCF Plantation system. Greg is currently on administrative leave with pay while certain administrators determine his fate ( continual narrative in America ) and filter the black man's action through a white worldview. Sources report this is the 3rd staff member that has been assaulted on Unit 6B, what is going on??

The administration within DCF use black male employees to help keep incarcerated residents under control. When there is trouble with residents the white hierarchy summons black male employees to do the hands on restraints etc. Then these same Monday Morning quarterbacks-look at video footage to determine if any errors were made by staff. While eating their third doughnut / drinking espresso coffee and using magical formulas [ worthy of Merlin the Magician ], decisions are made to place black males on administrative leave.

I wonder when those cringing YSOs will finally organize in order to fight those in DCF leadership who target black male employees for discipline, outside the scope of what is done to other ethnic groups.

Do #BlackLivesMatter on the DCF/ CJTS Plantations????

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