Sunday, May 3, 2015


The struggle currently being waged in cities like Baltimore and Ferguson, Mo highlight people are suffering. Injustices in both towns against human beings over a period of years exist because of leadership that devalues the worth of someone, simply due to skin pigmentation or how they are viewed. What is happening at Connecticut Juvenile Training School and the Department of Children and Families Plantations intersects with what is going on in society. Certain people at CJTS are targeted, investigated, have their transgression overlooked, or disciplined due to whims of management.

Kevin Strachen was featured in a previous blog story because after having to restrain a female at the Pueblo Girl's facility, a witch hunt of vindictiveness against him occurred. Those people running the CJTS Plantation have now implemented detailed scrutiny of Strachen.  However in the meantime, looking the other way when a fellow white Youth Service Officer is allowed BACK on the property, after being in numerous disciplinary situations. Strachen is black and was involved in the DCF Plantation 5 class action lawsuit filed in 2010. Thus, Strachen is a target because of his activism, while white management is using policy and procedure to punish-once again- the black male who does not "know his place."

Let us juxtapose what is happening to YSO Strachen with that of a white YSO that has been disciplined many times for spewing socially unacceptable vitriol aimed at fellow co-workers, especially those of a darker skin hue. In times past the white YSO committed several incidents against residents and fellow YSOs that should have been grounds for dismissal from CJTS. However the white YSO received numerous chances and counseling; meanwhile back at the ranch, Kevin Strachen is under a microscope while working. Key Stone Cops management are now investigating Strachen ad nauseam ( to an absurd or sickening degree ) based on other factors ( skin pigmentation / personal dislike ). Just as black men and others are targeted in American society, so too is Strachen singled out at the CJTS Plantation.

It is in this difficult setting of hope and fear the employees of CJTS / DCF Plantations must operate.

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