Monday, January 12, 2015


I keep hearing comments from blacks / Hispanics about feeling uncomfortable with whites leading demonstrations in protests against racism  by police toward black men. Now before people start pointing fingers at this blog writer let me be clear, other folk are saying this. All over America activists are marching, singing, staging die ins or blocking highways about Michael Brown being shot dead by white police in Ferguson and Eric Garner's choking death in New York. Suddenly there are thousands all over America voicing disapproval about black lives not mattering ( at least to some officials ). White allies stand before television cameras with manifesto statements or analysis of what is wrong or how to correct it ( racism towards blacks ).

However inquiring minds want to know why if whites want to truly change things they do not start with white communities. According to what black activists are saying it is easy for whites to saunter into oppressed communities and demand an end to police brutality or injustice. The real challenge is going to be whites going to their communities and trying to change worldviews of peers that hold onto notions fostering the current racial atmosphere in America. Just read comments on social media to get a flavor of what is being discussed in white communities. A large percentage of whites display worldviews which support the most recent manifestation of racism toward black males et al., and are busy blaming everyone and thing - except the social structures set up by whites- that feed this kind of racial animus. Marching around in black communities does not take much courage if you're white, you get to go home to safe enclaves at night. If these same white activists challenged peers to address their distorted worldviews about blacks, change laws regarding mass incarceration of black males, or other such issues, it might not be a comfortable situation. Lets be completely honest here. White activists would be run out of town on a rail if they tramped around their neighborhoods seeking reparations for blacks or asking peers to let go of entrenched thinking which view blacks negatively.

Meanwhile back in black communities the demands for justice ( as it relates to this latest spate of black men being killed by white cops) is growing louder and more intense. At the forefront of events are white activists claiming solidarity with black folk while ignoring going to their own peers with accusations of enabling this racism to exist. The path of least resistance is certainly marching in black communities singing Civil Rights songs, lighting scented candles, making speeches and feeling good after the protests are over. A bigger battle for white activists would be going to power brokers in various domains demanding change in structural racism. Do you think for one minute that kind of situation will be comfortable for white activists where people know them ?? I think not. And maybe this thought of feeling uncomfortable is why whites don't run like bats out of hell into situations where their people who hold power dwell.

In conclusion I can only say if whites are serious about fighting racism they should go do it in their own communities.

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