Thursday, September 4, 2014


This story is written for DCF Plantation by a staff writer on loan from another blog.

The background ----

The following story is the result of multiple sources and employees at Connecticut Juvenile Training School. People describe a situation in which preferential treatment towards a female Youth Services Officer might have occurred. For some weeks on Unit 6 Delta a male resident has physically / verbally assaulted certain staff. In particular one female YSO certainly drew the ire of this resident and has been verbally abused. Sources report for some reason the Unit Leader has not deemed it necessary to nip such things like verbal abuse in the bud, therefore giving hatred fertile soil in which to fester. And so reports maintain the situation continued like this, resident being assaultive until it reached a curious point of no return.

On August 31, 2014 residents from 6 Delta were escorted to the cafeteria during first shift; while eating, the same resident mentioned previously began to make snide / inappropriate comments to the female YSO mentioned in this story. Other YSOs report that several supervisors were present in this cafeteria as the female YSO said things to the mouthy resident that could have escalated the situation. DCF Plantation readers have to understand that the cafeteria is filled with other residents from different Units; any agitation might cause a riot like situation. Why did the supervisors remain silent?

Cover up # 1---
Youth Service Officers sitting in the cafeteria at the time this YSO chided the resident are angry about what took place. These YSO’s claim supervisors should discipline the female employee. Now in fairness to our readers it must be stated that the YSOs doing the complaining said nothing to management about the incident. These eyewitnesses did not want to be seen as “snitching.” Wait, hold on a minute now. YSOs contact DCF Plantation Blog about the incident crying “she is treated differently because management likes her.” Yet these same employees invoke the street culture phraseology about not snitching, and then remain silent?

Cover up # 2---
The person in charge of Unit 6 Delta has experience as an administrator during employment at CJTS. Why did this particular Unit Leader allow such volatile situations like verbal or physical assault to reach crisis proportions and escalate from Unit to a crowded cafeteria? Next what must be examined is how supervisors sat around and condoned- through their silence- a female verbally chastising a resident of CJTS in front of peers and others. Now if you want male youth to react like an Atomic Bomb just call them out in front of peers; you certainly then have a recipe for that resident acting out to save face. However the issue at hand is the turning a blind eye toward the female YSO, (who according to those YSOs witnessing the incident) should receive discipline for her comments. In closing rumors are management tends to favor certain employees over others. And some YSOs wonder why management disciplines certain staff harsher than others [especially if the YSO is of color].

Well as this story ends it appears as if a question is lingering in the putrid cultural atmosphere at CJTS. Is there a cover up at the CJTS plantation?

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