Saturday, August 16, 2014


The scenario is well known by now to most employees of Connecticut Juvenile Training School. Youth Services Officer Cornell Lewis was fired from CJTS on July 17, 2013 supposedly for Neglect of Duty. This staff writer found out that CJTS management led the charge to get rid of Lewis for organizing workers to resist injustice at that facility. The official version by Department of Children and Families for Lewis dismissal claims Neglect of Duty [not seeing two residents fight]. For the charge of Neglect of Duty there is usually a written reprimand or several day suspension ( three days at the most). However DCF / CJTS decided to fire Cornell plus two additional workers under the guise of protecting children. The real reason for the three terminations was to get Lewis off CJTS property. For years Lewis exposed the unequal disciplinary actions white management aimed at black / Latino men through terminations or harsher disciplines. Because Lewis dared expose these things a vindictive white privileged management decided “ Cornell’s firing was a necessity or necessary evil.”
In order to maintain their aura of invincibility and apartheid type rule, white management decided to strike at a man they not only detested but feared.

White management detested Cornell for several reasons, he as a black man stood before them unafraid and proclaimed the truth. Also Cornell wrote for three black owned newspapers in Hartford and consistently indicted the DCF and CJTS hierarchy in these publications. Lastly, when being investigated by management on some phony charge, Lewis used historical, classical Greek literature, black history and Shakespearean quotes to defend himself. This did not sit well with CJTS white management many of whom cannot conjugate a verb properly. It is not strange for whites in power to try and eliminate threats to their power base within DCF/ CJTS especially if the person during the proclaiming of injustice is a black male. History records show America destroyed Paul Robeson, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Noble Drew Ali, W.E.B. Dubois, Ruben Hurricane Carter, Medgar Evers and the list goes on. All of these men mentioned plus others history has ignored or forgotten are victims of systematic pernicious racism. In other words America eliminated the so called black male threat. Ergo, CJTS followed in that old grand American tradition when they got rid of Cornell.

However on July 11, 2014 a female arbitrator wrote in a decision that Lewis was unjustly terminated from the job at CJTS. The same arbitrator ordered DCF /CJTS to reinstate Lewis with all benefits, back pay, vacation pay due to him. Well that attempt by white management to silence Lewis failed; now the man management loves to hate is given his job back. In the final analysis no matter how this scene plays out remember one thing please; Cornell’s firing was a necessity or necessary evil.

United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 1
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

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