Thursday, November 14, 2013


Over a period of several months CJTS management maneuvered behind the scenes in order to get rid of ceratin stooges. When I mention stooges it is a euphemism for agency employees working against co-workers for management. To understand what has gone on behind the scenes context is clearly needed. CJTS used other YSOs as informants; this also included allowing stooge YSOs leverage in using policy, procedure, and certain union protocols as weapons. For years management claimed their hands were clean as stooges terrorized employees. Hell, those stooges could flaunt CJTS rules ( abusing other residents or assaulting them ), walk off the job when angry, verbally abuse co- workers--- and no disciplinary measures were taken. After years of management using undercover stooges, something strange started happening. News concerning stooges escapades began leaking out; all of the dirty laundry hidden now became manifest in all hideousness.

With each new revelation of stooges actions CJTS management looked uncomfortable : how can you hit a resident but not get terminated, is it possible to verbally abuse co-workers for years and not be punished, spouting right wing propaganda appeared okay if working as a stooge. Suddenly stooge names became topics of conversation among co-workers who were disciplined for minor infractions. CJTS management looked for methods of separating the themselves from stooges or any legal liability from stooge past actions : historically when stooges are no longer of use to people in power it bodes bad for the former. Several months ago a decision made by management took place between April---- October. At all costs throwing out the garbage (stooge YSOs ) became a priority. Now once mighty stooges found out power given them by management started to erode : no saftey net to catch stooges now, legal issues pressing management demanded all minions be sacrificed. In the words of Motown singers Martha and the Vandellas stooges had "no where to run to baby, no where to hide." Thus another tale from the plantation is evolving into a life form with all stooges shaking from fear of being discarded by management.

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