Sunday, July 3, 2016


There are sources inside the DCF Plantation that report how for over 13 months a right wing Connecticut Juvenile Training School employee is being paid while under investigation. Now this all sounds okay, no cause for concern.. or so it seems. However let me place this in context for the readers of this blog. For years this right wing employee was used by management to sow discord among employees, intimidate Youth Service Officers of color and keep the natives in line [ a bargain basement version of the new Tarzan movie]. Then the right wing white employee started losing value to the apartheid management at CJTS, so they tried to get rid of their attack dog. This tactic proved problematic because the right winger refused to go along with management's plan. The right winger turned on his benefactors and eventually went to the Child Advocates office with so called revelations about unlawful and harmful restraints of residents at CJTS by YSOs.  Then this investigation magically appeared and the right winger is being paid full salary -now get this- until the investigation is complete. We are told that in order to get the right winger off the property CJTS et al. came up with the idea of a prolonged investigation. Yet the person under investigation at one time was used as an attack dog by management; since turning on management however the right winger is persona non grata. As The World Turns!!

Ray Monterio is an employee at CJTS and has 30 years invested as state worker. From all accounts brother Ray as he is called has never been investigated, or deemed problematic; indeed, he put together something for residents to learn entrepreneurial skills called Icy Dreams. CJTS residents learned to sell slush cones from an ice cream wagon to employees and use the money for events etc. Ray came up with the idea and promoted it in spite of management opposition. Now Ray is suddenly under investigation for something that is murkier than the mud silted bottom of the Mississippi River. Sources report Ray was on Unit 5B when a white male resident refused to adhere to staff directives. According to reliable information Ray and another YSO tried deescalating the situation, but the resident continued hurling racial epithets at staff. There were two clinicians on the Unit 5 B during this time, but neither one came out of the office to see what the commotion was about. While walking to the laundry room the resident hit a staff in back of the head with a laundry bag. At this juncture the staff called for assistance. The resident was escorted to his room and that should be the end of this story. However a white clinician filed a #136 complaint on Ray for verbal abuse of the client and harsh handling. Say What ?? Ray did not know about this investigation until someone from management informed him. Why did a white clinician filed the #136- as a mandated reporter- and accuse brother Ray of these charges? Again context is essential in understanding this scenario.
First of all the majority of white clinical workers at CJTS are whites with very little interaction with staff. These social workers see themselves as a distinct entity and superior to YSOs. Then the white female social workers have also been overheard making negative comments about the male YSOs of color i.e. their character, work habits, lack of intelligence etc. But in the case of brother Ray there is another side to this story. Over one year ago white management decided to attack Ray by going after his son Barray -who worked at CJTS also. Some one in the Operations Office was called by a YSO and informed Barray was sleeping on the job[ Barray worked third shift the night before and now was working that morning ]. The person who called operations is a friend of the white clinician and this social worker resented that person being exposed by Freedom of Information documents posted on this blog. Yep, DCF Plantation blog posted the entire investigation of Barray on line and in the documents it became clear who said what, and who made the call to Operations. Then after this blog posted that information ...basically showing how ridiculous the investigation was... management dropped charges against Barray.
 Now it is speculated the white clinician has waited almost two years to strike at Ray. The theory is that the white clinician is upset over how the YSO that fingered Barray as sleeping on the job was identified in the documents. Now of course there is no proof this white clinician laid in the tall grass and ambushed brother Ray, however it is strange how the white clinician filed a #136 on brother Ray.
More shall be revealed.

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