Tuesday, June 21, 2016


The Connecticut Juvenile Training School is chaotic, dysfunctional and treating Youth Service Officers like rented mules. Several sources inside the CJTS Plantation report how administrators are conscripting YSOs to work triple 8 hour shifts in order to supervise a diminishing number of incarcerated residents. You have to understand that the CJTS Plantation is in the death throes of closing in 2018 .. at least that is what local politicians are saying. Every since a white right wing disgruntled employee went to the Childs Advocate office with allegations of employee mistreatment of residents, there have been ominous clouds over the plantation. First inordinate amounts of media publicity on unlawful (?) resident restraints were shown on video, then management put the face of YSO Dupree [ a muscular young black man ] as chief culprit of these harmful restraints out in public. Yeah they did what America always does ... blame the black man. However the real culprit in this saga is dysfunctional management that allowed a toxic and racist culture to exist at CJTS that inevitably came crashing down, due to no real leadership from the ostrich like superintendent who always claimed " I did not know" what was going on. To be paid $130,000 yearly and be in charge of a facility but never know what is going on... is money not well spent. However let me not digress from the issues. Now since the facility is going down the crapper, management is forcing YSOs to work triple 8 hour shifts, this is becoming dangerous and a safety issue.

Sources report how on June 17, 2016 two YSOs were called upon to help restrain a male resident on Unit 5 B who did not follow staff directives. In the process of this restraint both YSOs Mala and Strachen were kicked in the groin, spit on, called names like nigger and even clinical staff got kicked. Now Strachen has been taken off the Unit 5 B and not told why. Strachen did nothing wrong during the restraint. Perhaps the real reason he is possibly being investigated by CJTS has nothing to do with a restraint but filing a class action lawsuit in 2010 with five people of color -employees of CJTS- about racial discrimination. The lawsuit is settled but CJTS white management still is harassing Kevin Strachen, and more recently a black female supervisor Linette Gaunichaux. Instead of wasting time and money on foolish errands like reprisal, CJTS management needs to run that facility with professionalism and not like the KeyStone Cops.

It has come to the attention of this blog that the superintendent of CJTS is protecting his  good old boy staff in the Operations Unit. He has brought back certain Assistant Unit Leaders -who were demoted under the new layoff plan for state employees- and given them safe haven to say and do whatever they want. A case in point is how a male Operations Unit staff made inappropriate comments about another colleague and management has done nothing about it. Oh it gets better, the superintendent is in full denial mode that he know anything at all about the remarks. When will white management at CJTS stop condoning white male verbal violence aimed at employees of color?? They [ white management ] allowed the right wing employee who blew the whistle on restraints- to go unleashed like Frankenstein for years, while harassing blacks and Hispanics at CJTS. So it is not surprising this type of behavior still goes on by members of the white inner circle i.e. good old boys.

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