Sunday, August 28, 2016


Right winger still on paid leave / set to retire
The birds are chirping at Connecticut Juvenile Training School about the former attack dog for white management at that facility. For years KeyStone Cops management used a Caucasian employee to watch over, report  news about, and use policy / procedure to keep employees in line. It was a known fact this particular right winger informed management about black or brown employees, used grievances as weapons against Youth Service Officers and then walked around like Caesars's wife "above suspicion." However white management soon became aware of not being able to control the right winger and tried to terminate their attack dog. Sources report that the right winger played an instrumental role in providing data to lawmakers and media sources... that helped place CJTS in the position of being closed down in 2018 by lawmakers and the Child Advocate's office. Since all of this hit the fan the right winger has been investigated for over one plus years while being paid, they call it administrative leave... yeah right !! Behind the scenes rumors are being whispered that CJTS management is not going to let their former attack dog back on the property in Middletown, CT. Their plan is to let the right winger continue to be investigated and then retire. All of this of course is financed by tax payer dollars.

Ball of confusion with scheduling / seniority
The reduction in staff at CJTS is down to a bare minimum due to layoffs and YSOs being out on Workers Compensation leave. Ergo, it should not be problematic to maintain scheduling for the remaining 50 or so staff right? Well think again. Sources within the CJTS Plantation report how people in charge of scheduling are making mistakes. There are so many mistakes until the remaining YSOs are confused, while being forced to work double or triple shifts. Several YSOs were laid off because of administrative staff -who were also laid off- being wrongly given credit for being at the facility longer than others. However upon closer scrutiny it was discovered several YSOs were mistakenly(?) laid off and those jobs given to former Unit Leaders. Now the mistakes in those cases are cleared up; why is it the people at CJTS do not just put up correct lists of people and their seniority? This will clear up all confusion, relieve the angst of being laid off, and help that facility operate more efficiently [ if such a thing is possible ].

Object of intimate desire transferred to another facility-cover up ?
The sources at CJTS are babbling about how male management employed a female administrator and for years engaged in sexual peccadilloes on a weekly schedule. It was then revealed how these same males almost fought some years ago during their staff meeting because of encroachment on each other's schedule. In other words somebody hit on my hit. With the break down in secrecy at the plantation about such matters, someone made the decision to send the object of desire to another facility.. before CJTS closes in 2018. It is reported the female in question never feared losing her job, after all when you service 3-4 male administrators on the job that is better security than having All State Insurance.

Hiring more YSOs in spite of promises to close the facility
Since there are only 50 or so incarcerated youth at CJTS why is there need for more Youth Service Officers? There are at least 16 YSOs out on Workers Compensation due to injury. However the rank and file workers are saying how things like worker injury should have been factored into plans for closing the facility in 2018. Now KeyStone Cops management is scrambling around like chickens with no heads, all due to incompetence. So what else is new?

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