It has come to the attention of this blog that two males of color that were Department of Children and Families Deputy Commissioners have resigned. Now it took a while for white folks who control DCF to consider placing males of color close to the power base. Now after years of being on the inside of DCF-which some people claim these commissioners had no effect- these men departed. Details of why they resigned are not known. What is known is that these two Deputy Commissioners did not speak up on issues of racism that employees of DCF raised against management. The years of racial turmoil that engulfed Connecticut Juvenile Training School in Middletown, CT were not addressed publicly by the former Deputy Commissioners. What can be said is that men of color sat close to the seat of power, yet, were impotent.
Well these men rode out of the DCF plantation with pockets filled with state money. I wonder how these men feel about leaving people of color who run agencies without contracts from DCF.
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