It is rumored that a 20 year plus employee at Connecticut Juvenile Training School is returning to work June 3, 2017. Now the fact that any employee returning to work after medical leave is no big deal. However Linette Gaunichaux is no ordinary woman. Linette is a strong black woman determined to make sure CJTS administration treats all employees-white, black, Hispanic- with fairness. To be sure Ms G. as she is called by friend and foe, has been critical of biased policies of CJTS over the years, and as chief Union Steward, has filed grievances and a class action lawsuit against unfair practices such as racism... and hostile workplace environment.
You can rest assured CJTS management and the good ol' boys that run CJTS will not be happy about Ms G. coming back to work.
Let us hope Ms G. will continuing kick some sparks out of the asses of those dysfunctional managers on the plantation.
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