The story appeared on this blog within the last two weeks or so about how a resident on Unit 5D called 911 on a staff cell phone. After sneaking into the staff office a resident said on the phone "I have a gun and will shoot people at Connecticut Juvenile Training School." Police and Swat Team came to CJTS and entered the Unit 5D with guns drawn. Police departed after discovering what really happened. However the Youth Service Officer on duty at the time did not see anything suspicious while the resident slithered into the staff office. Now management in their infinite wisdom is trying to ascertain what the YSO -now under investigation for the incident- was doing during the time this cell phone was used. The Unit is set-up with a control panel in the middle of the floor and all should be visible to any YSO awake, alert, and not distracted. Well. At this juncture management has the YSO under investigation, and sitting at the front desk where visitors and guests come in. Just hope this YSO took No Doze while the investigation is being completed.
There are rumors circulating around CJTS about the lack of clear cut and decisive leadership from supervisors on Unit 6B. This is nothing new, this has been reported repeatedly on this blog. However our story takes a different route due to an employee critique. A YSO mentioned to management at CJTS how there is no consistency on Unit 6B in terms of following policies or procedures. Residents are allowed to do certain things one week and not so the following week. Disciplinary measures are handed out willy- nilly confusing YSOs and residents. When a YSO offered critique to the Assistant Supervisor things started to change for the YSO. This particular employee submitted weeks in advance requests for time off during the holiday season. Now -after the employee critique- this second in command superintendent et al. slowed down the employee's request for time off. I mean slowed it down to snail pace. This kind of punishment is not uncommon on the plantation, management always seems to personalize critiques, suggestions or differences of opinion from employees.
Finally management at CJTS decided to stop the intake process of new male residents. In the past whenever residents were committed to CJTS staff read the rules to residents, told them about expectations and then placed them on Units. From what i'm hearing it is now just placing residents on Units with peers their age. What kind of logic dictates placing residents in unfamiliar environments without clear expectations for following rules and regulations. Oh yeah, it is reported the idea is to let residents tell incoming youth what to do. Have mercy... the blind leading the blind.
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