Wednesday, November 16, 2016


The Connecticut Juvenile Training School Superintendent called a meeting on November 15, 2016 for Youth Service Officers to attend. The CJTS Superintendent wanted to explain a few things as it relates to ..the possibility of overtime funds running out in December 2016. The front line YSO staff are called to fill in certain areas when needed, this is overtime pay. However only two YSOs showed up to the meeting. Why? The answer is simple, YSOs do not trust what the Superintendent says at any given time. In the past this same leader at CJTS Plantation accused YSOs of being responsible for all the ills at CJTS including unlawful restraints. The same Superintendent et al. threw YSO Dupree under the bus during an investigation about resident restraints. Dupree [ a black man ] was made the poster child for restraints at CJTS; Dupree won his job back through arbitration but is not being called back to work. Also the Superintendent mentioned inordinate amounts of Worker Compensation claims by YSOs but failed to mention the queen of Worker Compensation use is a female Unit Leader who goes out injured-supposedly- monthly [ this same Unit Leader is well enough to sit at the black jack table at Foxwoods Casino while out on WC ]. Yeah another YSO meeting by the Superintendent is scheduled for Thursday. Maybe two jack rabbits will attend.

The Unit 5B moved to Unit 5C because the former supposedly had plumbing problems. Then while in Unit 5C residents noticed baited and set rat traps in the day room for residents. There are rumors circulating that maybe 5B did not have plumbing problems at all, and the rats Ben / Willard came to live as squatters. Residents in 5C report rats running out of their rooms.

It is reported that a Unit Leader in building #6 is not allowed on the Unit due to a resident complaint. The resident filed what is know as a #136 document. The document was passed on to administrators at CJTS for investigation. Meanwhile the Unit Leader in building # 6 cannot enter the Unit when the resident is inside. Only when the resident is not around can the Unit Leader come around. Well maybe all of this will be cleared up soon about the Unit Leader. But hold on, when YSOs have #136s filed against them by residents or management ... YSOs are barred for months -in some cases- of being on the Unit. Is there some double standard at work here??

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